I have a scraper that requires the use of a websocket server (can't go into too much detail on why because of company policy) that I'm trying to turn into a template/module for easier use on other websites.
I have one main function that runs the loop of the server (e.g. ping-pongs to keep the connection alive and send work and stop commands when necessary) that I'm trying to turn into a generator that yields the HTML of scraped pages (asynchronously, of course). However, I can't figure out a way to turn the server into a generator.
This is essentially the code I would want (simplified to just show the main idea, of course):
import asyncio, websockets
needsToStart = False # Setting this to true gets handled somewhere else in the script
async def run(ws):
global needsToStart
while True:
data = await ws.recv()
if data == "ping":
await ws.send("pong")
elif "<html" in data:
yield data # Yielding the page data
if needsToStart:
await ws.send("work") # Starts the next scraping session
needsToStart = False
generator = websockets.serve(run, 'localhost', 9999)
while True:
html = await anext(generator)
# Do whatever with html
This, of course, doesn't work, giving the error "TypeError: 'Serve' object is not callable". But is there any way to set up something along these lines? An alternative I could try is creating an 'intermittent' object that holds the data which the end loop awaits, but that seems messier to me than figuring out a way to get this idea to work.
Thanks in advance.
I found a solution that essentially works backwards, for those in need of the same functionality: instead of yielding the data, I pass along the function that processes said data. Here's the updated example case:
import asyncio, websockets
from functools import partial
needsToStart = False # Setting this to true gets handled somewhere else in the script
def process(html):
async def run(ws, htmlFunc):
global needsToStart
while True:
data = await ws.recv()
if data == "ping":
await ws.send("pong")
elif "<html" in data:
htmlFunc(data) # Processing the page data
if needsToStart:
await ws.send("work") # Starts the next scraping session
needsToStart = False
func = partial(run, htmlFunc=process)
websockets.serve(func, 'localhost', 9999)