Here's a sample GTK# program that listens for key presses and prints them.
using Gtk;
using Application = Gtk.Application;
Window win = new Window("Title");
win.DeleteEvent += (_, eventArgs) => Application.Quit();
win.KeyPressEvent += (_, eventArgs) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Key down {eventArgs.Event.Key}");
win.KeyReleaseEvent += (_, eventArgs) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Key up {eventArgs.Event.Key}");
I would expect to see Enter key presses, but I don't. Instead, they are mapped to activate the window's default widget. Can I disable this functionality so that Enter key presses are also caught by the key listener?
GTK comes with a set of default keybinds, maintained by a GtkBindingSet
(C name). In C, one would essentially do:
GtkBindingSet* binding_set = gtk_binding_set_by_class(GTK_TYPE_WINDOW);
// For each keybinding that needs removal...
gtk_binding_entry_remove(binding_set, /* GdkKey */ key, /*GdkModifierType*/ modifiers);
I wrote C# bindings for both functions, then used them to delete the following keybinds:
These are all of GTK's default keybindings. There's probably a more robust way to do this, but I didn't bother.