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sulu CMS admin ui not showing data

i'm trying display the list from the controller, all the routes are loading but the data is not displaying

    #[Route(path: '/admin/api/products', methods: ['GET'], name: 'app.get_products')]
    public function index(ManagerRegistry $doctrine): Response
        $products = $doctrine->getRepository(Product::class)->findAll();   

        if (!$products) {
            return $this->json('No product found');

        $data = [
            '_embedded' => [
                'products' => $products
        return $this->json($data);

enter image description here

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<list xmlns="">
        <property name="id" visibility="no" translation="">

        <property name="Product" visibility="always" searchability="yes" type="string">
        <property name="item_number" visibility="always" type="string">

        <property name="quantity" visibility="always" type="integer">

I tried to use DoctrineRepresentational factory but shows undefined.

Is there something that I'm missing?


  • You might want to check the Sulu Workshop repository and step through the different Pull Requests to follow along. That helped me when developing my first custom entities:

    For example, the Sulu people use a custom DoctrineListRepresentationFactory class which returns a PaginatedRepresentation via a DoctrineListBuilder. I would assume your code does not work because the JSON response does not match what Sulu Admin is expecting.