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QLoad utility to connect remote

Is it possible to use qload utility to connect to remote queue manager. I am not able to connect currently and has anyone tried and connected, if so how? QLoad version : 1.9 I cant see any documentation on how to connect to remote queue manager. I also tried set MQSERVER variable from command line before executing the command.

    qload -m <QM> -i <Queue> -f <filename>

QLOAD Program by Paul Clarke [ V1.9 Build:Jun 19 2012 ]
MQCONN on object '<QM>' returned 2058 QMgr name error..


  • Invoke QLOAD as follows to use the client libraries.

    qload -m <QM> -i <Queue> -l mqic -f <filename>

    The -l flag allows to chose the library to be used, mqic vs mqm. The default if the flag is omitted is to use mqm. You can read documentation for a rather more up-to-date version of qload here.

    Alternatively, if you want to continue to use the mqm library, you can set the MQ_CONNECT_TYPE environment variable, as described here to make a client connection using the mqm library.