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InApp Provisioning - Apple Pay

I am trying to implement InApp Provisioning - Apple Pay in Xamarin forms project but I didn't find much resources that explain the steps clearly. What is the correct setup? How to test it, and what about env (sandbox or production) ? Hope that I can find helpful answers Thank you!

var canaddpass = PKAddPaymentPassViewController.CanAddPaymentPass;
if (canaddpass)
    var config = new PKAddPaymentPassRequestConfiguration(PKEncryptionScheme.Ecc_V2);                
    var addPaymentPassVC = new PKAddPaymentPassViewController(config, this);
    View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
    Title = "My Custom View Controller";

    var btn = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.System);
    btn.Frame = new CGRect(20, 200, 280, 44);
    btn.SetTitle("Click Me", UIControlState.Normal);
    btn.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
        //this.ShowViewController(addPaymentPassVC, (Foundation.NSObject)sender); This            line will also work
        this.PresentViewControllerAsync(addPaymentPassVC, true);

I tried the above code but I got this exception:

System.Exception: Could not initialize an instance of the type 'PassKit.PKAddPaymentPassViewController': the native 'initWithRequestConfiguration:delegate:' method returned nil


  • PKAddPaymentPassViewController, which requires the entitlement key for your app.

    To add this key following steps:

    1. Go to Identifier section in the developer portal:

    2. Select your identifier and go to Aditional Capabilities, enable option like this: enter image description here

    3. Got to iOS project, add this key to Entitlements.plist file:

    1. On iOS project, go to Properties -> iOS Bundle Signing -> Aditional Resources -> Custom Entitlements:

    enter image description here

    According Apple Documentation you need special permission from Apple to submit apps with this key enabled. For more information, contact [email protected].