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c# - Migrate code from WebClient to HTTPClient

if (FileExtension == ".txt")
    string enumLines = File.ReadAllText(FoundPics, Encoding.UTF8);
    using (WebClient client = new())
        DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(FoundPics);
        client.DownloadFile(enumLines, FolderPath + @"\" + "Template.gif");
        Image gifTemplate = Image.FromFile(FolderPath + @"\" + "Template.gif");
        pictureBox.Image = gifTemplate;

I have this code that retrieves a url from a txt file, downloads a .gif from it and sets it to the picturebox However it's using Webclient that I was recommended to avoid. I'm trying to change to HTTPClient now but I'm really lost. Can someone provide some pseudo code so that I can figure out what to do?


  • var data  = await client.GetByteArrayAsync(FolderPath + @"\" + "Template.gif");
    File.WriteAllBytes(@"\path\to\downloads\Template.gif", data);
    1. FolderPath must be a uri
    2. Your application must have write access to the downloads folder