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Vue Router - cannot read query params in lazy loaded components

I have a lazy loaded components in Vue Router like this:

const Login = () =>
  import(/* webpackChunkName: "pages" */ "@/views/Pages/Login.vue");

But in such loaded components I'm not able to read this.$route.query. The object is always empty.

Why? Or how can I get query params in lazy loaded components?



  • Pretty late for the party, but still got some tasty cake to share.

    The problem is that when a component is lazily initialized, the route object is not avaiable inside the component constructor.

    That's how I've just solved the problem.

    Component route configuration:

    const routes: Array<RouteConfig> = [
        path: "/my-comp",
        name: "MyComponent",
        component: () =>
          import(/* webpackChunkName: "MyComponent" */ "../views/MyComponentView.vue"),

    You have to actually mount the app after the router is ready by taking advantage of the onReady callback. In my main.ts:

    const vue = new Vue({
      render: (h) => h(App),
    router.onReady(() => {

    And now I can safely access the route's query inside of MyComponentView.vue constructor

    constructor() {
      this.$route.query.selectedItem; // correctly initialized