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Verifying that there was Pull Request succeeded in merging to Develop Branch before make PR to Release Branch

Please need help to how i can implement a solution on Azure Devops via Powershell or Api to verifying that there was Pull Request succeeded in merging to Develop Branch before make PR to Release Branch. When a devlopper will try to make a Pull Request on the release branch...a check must be made of existance of PR to the Develop branch .. otherwise the PR will be rejected.

After some research i found these solutions but no way to know the steps : -Build validation -Status ckecks -Powershell tasks Any détailed suggestion ?


  • After having investigated and tested more than one solution, I share with you the best one that fits my needs: In this Exemple

    • Source Branch = Unstable
    • Target Branch = Develop

    Request : When I do a PR in the Develop branch, the Powershell script checks if the last commit in this branch was committed first in the unstable branch => if it is the case the build continues otherwise the build is stopped.

    $tfsUrl = "$tfsBaseUrl/_apis"
    $tfsFullUrl = "$tfsBaseUrl/_apis/git/repositories"
    $strAdmAuth = ":$tfsToken"
    $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($strAdmAuth)
    $base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes)
    $basicAuthValue = "Basic $base64"
    $headers = @{ Authorization = $basicAuthValue }
    ############# Variables ############################
    $reponame = $env:repositoryName
    Write-Host "Repository name : $reponame"
    $repoID = $env:repositoryID
    Write-Host "Repository ID : $repoID"
    $SourceBranch = $env:SourceBranch
    Write-host "Source branch : $SourceBranch"
    $pullRequestTargetBranch = $env:PRTargetBranch
    Write-host "Pull request Target branch : $pullRequestTargetBranch"
    $SourceBranch = $SourceBranch.Substring(10,($SourceBranch.Length-10))
    $lastindexof = $sourceBranch.LastIndexOf("/")
    $pullrequestID = $SourceBranch.Substring(0,($lastindexof))
    $FullUri = "$tfsFullUrl/"+"$repoID"+'/pullrequests/'+"$pullrequestID"+'?api-version=6.0'
    $SourceBranchName = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $FullUri -Method get -Headers $headers).sourceRefName
    $indexof = $SourceBranchName.substring(5,($SourceBranchName.Length-5)).IndexOf("/")
    $BranchFull = $SourceBranchName.Substring(6+$indexof,($SourceBranchName.Length-(6+$indexof)))
    Write-host "$BranchFull"
    $CommitExist = $false
    $topCommit = "$"+"top=1"
    $branchUnstable= "unstable"
    Function Write-ErrorMessage
                $err = $errorMessage
                $errorMessage = @($error)[0]
                $err = $errorRecord
                $errorMessage = $exception.Message
                $err = $exception
        Write-Error -Message $err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    function encodeBranchName([string]$branchName)
        $branchName.Replace('#', '%23').Replace('+', '%2B').Replace('&', '%26')
    ###################################### All commits of unstable ###################################
     $commitUnstableURI = "$tfsFullUrl/${repoName}/commits?searchCriteria.itemVersion.version=${branchUnstable}&api-version=5.1"
     $listCommitUnstable = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $commitUnstableURI -Method GET -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $headers
     $CommitunstableID = $listCommitUnstable.value.commitId
     ############################# Last commit of BranchFilter on Develop ###########################
     $branchNameEncoded = encodeBranchName $branchFull
     $branchFullversion= "version=$branchNameEncoded"
     $lastCommitURI = "$tfsFullUrl/${repoName}/commits?searchCriteria.itemVersion.$branchFullversion&searchCriteria.$topCommit&api-version=5.1"
            $lastCommit = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $lastCommitURI -Method GET -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" -Headers $headers
            write-host "Last commit : $LastCommit"
            Write-Error "No Commit exists for repo : $branchfull"
            Write-Error "[ERROR] $($_.Exception.Message)"
            exit 1
        $branchLastCommitId = $lastCommit.value.commitId
        write-host "Last commit of branch : $branchLastCommitId"
      Foreach ($i in $CommitUnstableID) 
              if ($i -eq $branchLastCommitId) 
                $CommitExist = $true
                Write-Host "The last commit was deployed on Branch Unstable" 
     if ($CommitExist -eq $false)
        #Write-Error "/!\ Commit does not exists on 'unstable' branch /!\"
        Write-ErrorMessage "/!\ Commit does not exists on 'unstable' branch /!\"