I have a list of IP ranges (taken from CIDR with script giving start address and end address) and I'm trying to get unique ranges (currently doing it by hand)
Line 3
and line 4
could be shortened to
because 63.255 (+1) is 64.0
Could anyone give me a hint how can this be done by a script?
Current approach would be comparing Line3 2nd ip with Line4 1st ip by 'adding one' to first compared ip and checking if it is the same as second compared ip
// (+1) =
var x = "".split('.')
var y = "".split('.')
var compare=0;
var thesamerange=0;
for(var i=0;i<4;i++){
if(x[i] === y[i]){
compare=1 }
if(compare === 1){
if( (x[i+1])==255 && (y[i+1])==0 ){
thesamerange=1 }
Is there an easier way to 'shorten the list' with unique ranges?
Here are some hints that should help you to solve the problem yourself:
If you want a complete guide to how you may solve your issue, read on.
First we need to decide what ranges may be joined, which includes:
Sidenote: These two statements are equivalent:
[a1, a2]
and [b1, b2]
are neighbours.[a1, a2]
(partly) overlaps [b1 - 1, b2 + 1]
. (Or vice versa.)Overlapping ranges will still overlap after "extension" (statement 2). We will make use of this later on.
Now that we know the conditions for joining, we need to be able to check them.
For easier checking, we can convert the IP-addresses to integers:
const ip = "";
console.log("IP:", ip);
console.log("IP as number:", fromIp(ip));
console.log("IP after roundtrip:", toIp(fromIp(ip)));
function fromIp(ip) {
const numbers = ip.split(".").map(split => Number(split));
const ipAsNumber = numbers.reverse().reduce((total, number, i) => {
return total + number * (256 ** i);
}, 0);
return ipAsNumber;
function toIp(number) {
const numberInHex = number.toString(16).padStart(8, "0");
const hexSplits = Array.from({length:4}, (v, i) => numberInHex.slice(i * 2, i * 2 + 2));
const ipSplits = hexSplits.map(hex => parseInt(hex, 16));
return ipSplits.join(".");
Realizing the checking may become easier to understand if we visualize the conditions:
Notice how the lines A, C, D may be joined with line B. Their commonality is (abstractly):
Or, in code:
// Similar to the visualization
const rangeA = { from: 0, to: 3 };
const rangeB = { from: 2, to: 6 };
const rangeC = { from: 3, to: 4 };
const rangeD = { from: 5, to: 7 };
// Not "touching" rangeB
const unjoinableRange = { from: rangeB.to + 2, to: 10 };
console.log("Can join A & B?", isJoinable(rangeA, rangeB));
console.log("Can join C & B?", isJoinable(rangeC, rangeB));
console.log("Can join D & B?", isJoinable(rangeD, rangeB));
console.log("Joinable with unjoinable?", isJoinable(rangeB, unjoinableRange));
function isJoinable(range1, range2) {
const maxDiff = 1; // Extend by this much; aforementioned stmt. 2 in "What can be joined?"
return (range1.from - range2.to) <= maxDiff && (range2.from - range1.to) <= maxDiff;
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With the above sections we can easily find what ranges may be joined. But we still have to actually join them together.
For that, we can use Array.reduce()
to collect the (joined) ranges as follows:
// Ranges A,B,C,D from before
const joinableRanges = [
{ from: 2, to: 6 },
{ from: 0, to: 3 },
{ from: 3, to: 4 },
{ from: 5, to: 7 }
const unjoinableRanges = [
{ from: 9, to: 10 },
{ from: -6, to: -2 }
const ranges = [...joinableRanges, ...unjoinableRanges];
const joinedRanges = reduceRanges(ranges);
console.log("Original:", ranges);
console.log("Reduced:", joinedRanges);
function reduceRanges(rangesToReduce) {
const reducedRanges = rangesToReduce.reduce((ranges, range) => {
let joinWith = range; // Start checking for current range
const nextJoinableRange = () => ranges.find(r =>
r !== joinWith // Avoid joining with self
&& isJoinable(r, joinWith)
let joinableRange = nextJoinableRange();
if (!joinableRange) {
// No joinable range was found; add current range
return ranges;
// A joinable range was found
do {
// Remove joinable range; will be replaced with joined range
const index = ranges.indexOf(joinableRange);
ranges.splice(index, 1);
// Add joined range
const joinedRange = {
from: Math.min(joinableRange.from, joinWith.from),
to: Math.max(joinableRange.to, joinWith.to)
// Continue with (checking for) joining
joinWith = joinedRange;
} while (joinableRange = nextJoinableRange());
return ranges;
}, []);
return reducedRanges;
function isJoinable(range1, range2) {
return (range1.from - range2.to) <= 1 && (range2.from - range1.to) <= 1;
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Putting everything together:
const ipRanges = [
{ from: "", to: "" },
{ from: "", to: "" },
{ from: "", to: "" },
{ from: "", to: "" },
{ from: "", to: "" },
{ from: "", to: "" },
{ from: "", to: "" },
{ from: "", to: "" }
const numberRanges = ipRanges.map(({ from, to }) =>
({ from: fromIp(from), to: fromIp(to) })
const joinedRanges = reduceRanges(numberRanges);
const joinedIpRanges = joinedRanges.map(({ from, to }) =>
({ from: toIp(from), to: toIp(to) })
console.log("IP-ranges:", ipRanges );
console.log("Reduced IP-ranges:", joinedIpRanges);
function reduceRanges(rangesToReduce) {
const reducedRanges = rangesToReduce.reduce((ranges, range) => {
let joinWith = range;
const nextJoinableRange = () => ranges.find(r =>
r !== joinWith && isJoinable(r, joinWith)
let joinableRange = nextJoinableRange();
if (!joinableRange) {
return ranges;
do {
const index = ranges.indexOf(joinableRange);
ranges.splice(index, 1);
const joinedRange = {
from: Math.min(joinableRange.from, joinWith.from),
to: Math.max(joinableRange.to, joinWith.to)
joinWith = joinedRange;
} while (joinableRange = nextJoinableRange());
return ranges;
}, []);
return reducedRanges;
function isJoinable(range1, range2) {
return (range1.from - range2.to) <= 1 && (range2.from - range1.to) <= 1;
function fromIp(ip) {
const numbers = ip.split(".").map(split => Number(split));
const ipAsNumber = numbers.reverse().reduce((total, number, i) => {
return total + number * (256 ** i);
}, 0);
return ipAsNumber;
function toIp(number) {
const numberInHex = number.toString(16).padStart(8, "0");
const hexSplits = Array.from({length:4}, (v, i) => numberInHex.slice(i * 2, i * 2 + 2));
const ipSplits = hexSplits.map(hex => parseInt(hex, 16));
return ipSplits.join(".");
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This answer includes only how to join IP-address ranges.
As apparent in your answer, you receive the ranges in a specific format (ranges as start-end
, one per line). You may still want to convert from that format to some easier-to-work-with object. See this as an exercise!