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input handelChange on object data

Here i have a state Details containing a object with name:'' age:'' phone:'' etc ... and a handlechange function , which whenever there's a change in input it should update the Details . there is a problem with way i wrote the line setDetails({...Details, :}

i tried this

function Personal() {
    const [Details, setDetails] = useState({ name:'hahaha' ,age:20 ,phone:0000000000});
    const handleChange = (e)=>{
        setDetails({...Details, :})
    return (
    <div className='personal-details'>
      <h2>Personal Details</h2>
      <input type="text" name='name' onChange={handleChange}/>
      <input type="number" name='age' onChange={handleChange}/>
      <input type="number" name='phone' onChange={handleChange}/>


what i want is whenever there's a change i the input it should update it in the Details without changeing the exsisting datas.

thank u


  • One problem with your code is that you are trying to access the properties of the event object ( and within the object destructuring assignment. Instead, you should use the square bracket notation to access the properties dynamically like this ;

    setDetails({...Details, []:})

    This will correctly access the name and value properties of the event target, and update the appropriate key in the Details object.