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how to download patch for pull request in github using github-api

I am trying to write a script that would download all the open "pull-requests" for a given repo into a folder with the file names as ".patch".

I am using

I have been able to login and get the list of open pull-requests and also the url that should be used for getting the patch.

However I did not find any API that could be used to directly download the patch.

If the repo is a public repository, I can use the "requests" package directly download it. However my repo is private, and hence will need authentication.

Here is my sample code

from ghapi.core import GhApi
import requests

github_token=<my token>
api=GhApi(owner=<my-org>, repo=<my-repo>,token=github_token )

for (pr_number,patch_url) in map(lambda pr: (pr['number'], pr['patch_url']), api.pulls.list(state="open", per_page=100, page=1 )):
    print(pr_number, patch_url)
    r=requests.get(patch_url, headers={'Authorization':'token '+github_token})

Can someone let me know if I am missing something. I keep getting "Not Found" with the above. However, if I open the URL directly from my browser, I can see the patch.



  • The patch_url attribute returned by api.pulls.list(...) isn't an API url; you can tell because it doesn't contain the API endpoint ( That means it doesn't support authentication using an API token. It's meant to be presented to the user and fetched in a browser.

    If you want to get a pull request in patch format via the API, you need to fetch the pull request using a specific content-type:

    for pull in api.pulls.list(state="open", per_page=100, page=1):
        patch = api(pull.url, headers={"Accept": "application/vnd.github.patch"})

    The api documentation shows what content types you can use when fetching pull requests.

    A warning, because I found out the hard way: while the requests module correctly treats headers as case-insensitive (so accept is the same as Accept), the ghapi module does not. When overriding the Accept header you must use the same capitalization as the module uses.