I want to delete last 162 lines from a series of files with bash scripting.
for i in RMSF_CA_proA_*; do | tac $i | sed '1,162d' | tac >> tmp && mv tmp $i
This gives me error
bash: tac: command not found.
I also want to rename the files sequentially within the for loop.
This should work:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Fail on error
set -o errexit
# Enable wildcard character expansion
set +o noglob
# ================
# ================
# File pattern
# Lines to delete
# ================
# ================
# Check command 'sed' exists
command -v sed > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
printf "Command 'sed' not found\n" >&2
exit 1
# Check command 'mv' exists
command -v mv > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
printf "Command 'mv' not found\n" >&2
exit 1
for file in "$FILE_PATTERN"*; do
# Skip if not file
[ -f "$file" ] || continue
printf "Analyzing file '%s'\n" "$file"
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/13383331/6676781
# Delete last 'N_LINES' from 'file'
sed \
-i \
-e :a \
-e "\$d;N;2,${N_LINES}ba" \
-e 'P;D' \
# Rename 'file' to 'index'
printf "Renaming file from '%s' to '%s'\n" "$file" "$index"
mv "$file" "$index"
# Increment index
index=$((index = index + 1))
Adjust the configuration parameters to your preference.
Using sed, remove the last $N_LINES
lines from $file
(see this). The change is made in place, so there is no need to save the output and then modify the file.
On Mac OS X sed
command does not accept empty -i
option. Therefore, add ''
after -i
(see this):
sed \
-i '' \