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How would one go about implementing a vector or dynamic array in forth?

I need to a dynamic array in forth, but I don't have any idea of how I could implement it. I searched online, and couldn't find any results either. I'm very new to forth, and just starting to learn it. I think I could just use a variable to store the length, and allocate more as I go, but I don't know if this even works since I am also able to write outside of the allocated space of the array.


  • It depends on what you really need. Below is code to create dynamic arrays of cells. Quickly tested in VFX Forth and GForth. There's probably neater and better optimised versions around.

    0 [IF]
        dynamic array is an address stored in the dictionary pointing to 
        a structure stored in allocated memory 
            0 CELL   \ data size in bytes  n CELLS 
            1 CELL   \ start of data
            n CELL   \ End of data 
    \ Take dictionary address and return addresses of the array 
    : array-size   \ a -- n ;
      @ @ ;
    : array-data    \ a -- a' ;
      @ CELL + ;
    \ **********************************************************
    \ **********************************************************
    \ Expand the data structure and copy the 'old' data into it.
    \ This either expands the data to size or to twice the 
    \ original size whichever is larger.   
    \ ALLOCATE THROW and FREE THROW catch & report any memory 
    \ errors. 
    \ **********************************************************
    : dyn-expand   \ size a-dict -- ;
      DUP >R
        array-size 2* MAX             \ new-size  = largest of the ix offset 
                                      \ or 2 * current size.
        DUP CELL + ALLOCATE THROW     ( new-size new-addr )
        2DUP CELL + SWAP ERASE        \ zero the newly allocated memory
        R@ array-data OVER CELL + R@ array-size    
        ( size new-addr old-data-a new-data-a old-size )
        MOVE    \ Shift existing data to the new addr.   ( size new-addr )
        R@ @ FREE THROW      \ Free the old data's memory
        TUCK !               \ Store the new size
      R> ! ;            \ Store the new address in the dictionary
    : dynamic-array   \ CREATE: count -- ; DOES> ix -- a
      \ Creates a dynamic array of count cells in ALLOCATED memory.  
      CREATE   \ count -- ;
        CELLS DUP CELL + ALLOCATE THROW   ( count addr )
        DUP ,                     \  Store the data address in the dictionary
        2DUP !                    \  Store the data size in the allocated memory                    
        CELL + SWAP ERASE         \  Zero the new data region. 
      DOES>   \ ix -- addr-of-ix-cell ;
        \ Returns the address of the ix th cell.  Expanding the array if required.
        ( ix a )
        SWAP CELLS SWAP 2DUP array-size >= IF   \ ix not in allocated range
          2DUP dyn-expand
        ( ix-cells a )  array-data + ;
    : dyn-stats.   \ a -- ; Prints base address and array size 
      ." Base data address: " DUP .
      ." Data size in bytes: " CELL - @ . ;

    Quick tests and use:

    16 dynamic-array ]test   ok
    456 0 ]test !    4560  10 ]test !  ok
    CR 0 ]test dyn-stats.  ." 0th and 10th Data: " 0 ]test @ . 10 ]test @ .  CR 
    Base data address: 9459864 Data size in bytes: 128 0th and 10th Data: 456 4560 
                       *******                     ***
    1600  16 ]test !   \ This extends the array.  ok
    CR 0 ]test dyn-stats.  ." 0th and 10th Data: " 0 ]test @ . 10 ]test @ .  CR 
    Base data address: 10502952 Data size in bytes: 256 0th and 10th Data: 456 4560 
     ok                ******** Address Changed     *** & size changed    unchanged!!
    ." 16th data: " 16 ]test @ .  16th data: 1600  ok