I'm trying to test file download with Watin 2.1.0 against IE9. I used the suggested code from the accepted answer to the question Downloading a file with Watin in IE9, like this:
var downloadHandler = new FileDownloadHandler(fname);
However, the downloadHandler.WaitUntilFileDownloadDialogIsHandled(15)
call times out. What should I do?
IE9 no longer uses a dialog window for saving files. Instead, it uses the notification bar to prevent focus from being removed from the web site. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/ff959805.aspx under "Download Manager" for reference.
Unfortunately, this means that the current FileDownloadHandler in WatiN will not work. It instantiates a "DialogWatcher" class per browser instance that is a basic message pump for any kind of child window. When child windows are encountered, the DialogWatcher checks to see if the window is specifically a dialog (which the notification bar is not). If it is a dialog, it then iterates over the registered IDialogHandler instances calling "CanHandleDialog." Even if the notification bar were a dialog, it is of a different Window Style (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms632600(v=vs.85).aspx), which is how WatiN detects the type of dialog.
From what I can see, there is no support yet for detecting the IE 9 notification bar and its prompts in WatiN. Until that support is added, you will not be able to automate downloading files in IE9.