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how to split resource in spring boot

In Jersey we can do something like

public class TopResource{
    public Response getTop() { ... }
    public ContentResource getContentResource() {
        return new ContentResource();

public class ContentResource {
    public Response getContent() { ... }


https://<host> will invoke getTop()

https://<host>/content will invoke getContent()

is there any equivalent in Spring?

I tried

public class TopResource{
    public Response getTop() { ... }
    public ContentResource getContentResource() {
        return new ContentResource();


public class ContentResource {
    public Response getContent() { ... }

only top resource works. content would return 404 Not Found. Not sure how to do this in Spring Boot. Tried replacing @RestController with @Resource and @Controller for content, but still got 404 Not Found.


  • There is no option to retun a whole class, please use the Annotation @RequestMapping on top of your content class to split them up.

    public class TopResource{
        public Response getTop() { ... }
    public class ContentResource {
        public Response getContent() { ... }