The reason I need a role-based system:
So I'm guessing, I can just create an enum and if I need a new role, just add it to the app code (the app would change anyways so requires a recompile).
So right now I have
public class User
/* .. */
public virtual ICollection<UserRole> Roles {get; set;}
public enum UserRoleType
public class UserRole
public int UserRoleId { get; set; }
public int RoleTypeValue { get; set; }
public UserRoleType RoleType
get { return (UserRoleType)RoleTypeValue; }
set { RoleTypeValue = (int)value; }
public virtual User User { get; set; }
This is a 1 to many. The pros I see for this is that instead of a many-many, there is a 1-many and joins are less. The application already knows what the role is based on what the int
resolves the enum to.
Are there any flaws in the way Im doing this? Is there anything you have met in your experience that would require me to store the actual values in the database?
To be clear, you are suggesting that you don't need an actual lookup table in the database for Roles? Instead, they just have an int that is not a foreign key to anything--it is simply a representation of the enum in the application?
It's impossible to answer definitively without knowing all the details of your application. That disclaimer aside, I see nothing inherently problematic about it. It would certainly work fine for some systems.
Possible downsides: