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How to view and modify LDAP password configuration

In my LDAP server, I want to know the value set for "passwordMinTokenLength" password policy configuration.

Is there a command line to see it (ldapsearch ?).

I try to update it with value 64 with command below but attribute is not found. So I don't know where is it .. ;

ldapmodify -x -D "cn=admin" -w  "pass" -H ldap:// -f /tmp/test.ldif

modifying entry "cn=xxxxx"
ldap_modify: No such object (32)

LDIF File :

dn: cn=xxxxx
changetype: modify
# pas de controle
replace: passwordMinTokenLength
passwordMinTokenLength: 64

Can you help me ?


  • Before you attempt to modify your item, you should check per ldapsearch, whether you can find your item.

    ldapsearch -x -D "cn=admin" -w  "pass" -H ldap:// -b (your base) "(&(objectclass=LDAPSubEntry)(cn=xxxxxx))"

    your base is a o= or.. ou=... and refers the (I think ou) sub tree / branch, on which your policy set.

    "AND" (objectclass=LDAPSubEntry) is crucial, otherwise you'll NEVER find yout item :)