In my app I would like to show a bottom sheet with showModalBottomSheet
to let the user pick a font. When a new font is selected I would like to reflect the changes immediately in the parent view that is presenting the sheet without closing the sheet.
With Navigator.pop(context, value);
I can easily send data back to the parent but I don't wanna close the bottom sheet on every selection.
Is there any way to achieve this behavior?
This it my current code to show and hide the picker modal:
In the parent view.
void showFontPicker() {
context: context,
isScrollControlled: true,
isDismissible: true,
builder: (context) => FontPickerSheet()).then((value) {
setState(() {
widget.myPostcard.font = value;
In the FontPickerSheet Widget:
itemExtent: 30,
onSelectedItemChanged: (int value) {
Navigator.pop(context, value);
You can pass a function to update the main state as parameter as follow:
Parent view
void showFontPicker() {
context: context,
isScrollControlled: true,
isDismissible: true,
builder: (context) => FontPickerSheet(onSelected: updateMainView )).then((value) {
setState(() {
widget.myPostcard.font = value;
void updateMainView(value)
setState(() {
widget.myPostcard.font = value
FontPickerSheet Widget
itemExtent: 30,
onSelectedItemChanged: (int value) {
onSelected(value); // or widget.onSelected(value); [it depends on how you passed this value]