I am running one iOS/Swift project in Xcode 14.1. Git showing project.pbxproj file modified. A few days back I merged some branches and pushed the changes. The branch is working for others but causing an issue for me. Even I did not modify any file after the push. I want to discard this local change. Please help me.
I tried to remove the changes with help of the following commands.
1. $git checkout .
2. $git clean -d -f
The change is disappear for a second after executing git checkout .
but again shows the same changes after some time. After running the checkout terminal show the *Updated 1 path from the index* message. I tried to discard changes from the source tree but after refreshing it again showed modify.
Git difference is showing same file is added and deleted on same folder location.
I tried all the ways mentioned here How do I discard unstaged changes in Git? But does not work anything for me.
My Solution:
Solution 1:
I deleted the repo and took a fresh clone.
Found another solution also, most of the time it works for me but in case it does not work for you go for the first solution.
Step 1:
Quite the Xcode
Step 2:
Discard the project file changes from either terminal using git checkout .
or any UI tool.
Step 3:
Open your Xcode project. Hopefully, you will not get project file changes.