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How to add if..else conditional statements to the db query builder of Laravel

I have a export method in Laravel 5.8 for exporting some results from oders table:

public static function getAllData()
       $records = DB::table('orders as t1')
            ->leftjoin('payments as t2', 't1.ord_id', '=', 't2.pay_ord_id')
            ->leftjoin('members as t3', 't2.pay_creator_id', '=', 't3.mbr_usr_id')
            ->where('t2.pay_confirm', 1)
       return $records;

So it works fine and clean but I do need to add one more column for checking if the order payment type is by wallet or paid directly.

So every payment has a pay_type_id and if it is set to 189, then it should print Paid With Wallet otherwise print Paid Online as the appended column.

But the problem is, I don't know how to check this if..else condition in this method...

So if you know, please let me know.



  • you could use case to do if else condition

    for example like this

        public static function getAllData()
            $records = DB::table('orders as t1')
            ->leftjoin('payments as t2', 't1.ord_id', '=', 't2.pay_ord_id')
            ->leftjoin('members as t3', 't2.pay_creator_id', '=', 't3.mbr_usr_id')
            ->where('t2.pay_confirm', 1)
            ->where('t1.ord_status', 'completed')
            ->orWhere('t1.ord_status', 'processing')
            ->select(DB::raw("case when pay_type_id=189 then 'Paid With Wallet' else 'Paid Online' end as your_column_name"),'t1.ord_id', 't1.ord_date', 't1.ord_total', 't3.mbr_mobile', 't3.mbr_name', 't3.mbr_family')
            return $records;