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Partition graph into groups of neighbours having the same class

How can I use JGraphT to divide a graph into sub-graphs where each sub-graph is a connected group of vertices with the same "class" (indicated by colors below)?

Example (the desired groups are in red):

enter image description here

I think this is a rather simple demand and yet I can't find a (built-in) way to do this. I notice there is a PartitioningImpl class, that one constructs using a List<Set<V>> classes, yet I don't see a way to use this to partition a graph.

Ideally, I'd provide something with my graph and vertex classes (a map of V-->Integer for instance) and it would return something like a List<Set<V>> of partitioned vertex groups.


  • This is a fairly simple approach using JGraphT:

    • Remove edges between adjacent vertices that are in distinct classes.
    • Then, apply ConnectivityInspector to the resulting graph to identify the connected components, which will represent the groups.
    SimpleGraph<V, E> graph; // given by user
    Map<V, Integer> classes; // given by user
    List<E> toRemove = new ArrayList<>();
    graph.edgeSet().forEach(e -> {
        V a = graph.getEdgeSource(e);
        V b = graph.getEdgeTarget(e);
        if (!classes.get(a).equals(classes.get(b))) {
    ConnectivityInspector<V, E> ci = new ConnectivityInspector<>(graph);
    List<Set<V>> groups = ci.connectedSets();