I need to get the last modified file's name using paramiko
client.connect(hostname=server["host"], username=server["user"], pkey=pkey, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False)
sftp = client.open_sftp()
I don't know how to proceed from here!
I tried:
utime = sftp.stat("path").st_mtime
last_modified = datetime.fromtimestamp(utime)
someone can help me?
Get the list of files in 'path'
and find the one with the greatest modified time:
last_modified = max(
key=lambda f.st_mtime
edit: Changed listdir()/stat()
to listdir_attr()
because it's more efficient. According to this answer listdir()
calls listdir_attr()
and throws away everything but the filename.
If you need to filter out the directories:
from stat import S_ISREG
last_modified = max(
filter(lambda f: S_ISREG(f.st_mode), sftp.listdir_attr('path')),
key=lambda f: f.st_mtime