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Playstore: I can't create subscriptions

I'm just trying to create a subscription. If you read the oficial documentation you will see:

Open Play Console and go to the Subscriptions page (Monetize > Products > Subscriptions). Click Create subscription.

The problem is that I don't have the label. I only have a button to upload a APK.

Playstore create subscription


  • I had the same problem... it turns out that before you can set up a subscription, your app needs to have the <uses-permission android:name="" /> permission in your manifest file. You can get that in there one of two ways: either by manually adding it, or by simply adding a library dependency to implementation "" (or whatever the latest version is) to your build file, rebuilding, and re-upload. Once Play console sees the billing permission on your APK, it will allow you to create a subscription (assuming you also have a merchant account setup correctly).