I'm trying to find projects in an enormous directory. The projects are always several levels of depth in and have a config file which contains the project name. So basically...
Given a path and string Return any directory that has a depth of 3 from the and contains a file named "config" that contains the
I learned that find combined with grep will work... but print out the grepped text and not the path of it's parent directory
find <starting-dir> -maxdepth 3 -mindepth 3 -type d -exec grep '<project-name>' {}/config \;
Just prints out the project name :(
Perhaps there any way to switch back to find's default behaviour of printing out the found file path only if the grep is successful? Or is there another tool I should try to use to solve this?
To get -print
, you need to add it explicitly after a succesful -exec
For example, using grep's -q
find <starting-dir> \
-maxdepth 3 -mindepth 3 \
-type d \
-exec grep -q '<project-name>' {}/config \; \
As you discovered, grep already has -l
You can reduce the number of grep
find <starting-dir> \
-maxdepth 4 -mindepth 4 \
-type f -name config \
-exec grep -l '<project-name>' {} +