I need to replace the if-else section with a function enclosing the same if-else. For ex:
Following is the code with if-else condition
x = 5 # comments to be retained
# above new line as well
if foo() == 'bar':
y = 10
print('foo is bar')
print('foo is not bar')
z =100
Now I want to change this
x = 5 # comments to be retained
# above new line as well
def if_encapsulated():
if foo() == 'bar':
y = 10
print('foo is bar')
print('foo is not bar')
z = 100
I am using ast
to parse the code and using ast.NodeTransformer
to replace if
using ast.FunctionDef
but when I use ast.unparse
it doesn't keep track of tabs, newline and remove comments. I want to replace if
block and keeping the rest of the code as it is.
Here is the code for parsing and replacing if:
import ast
import astor
class IfReplacer(ast.NodeTransformer):
def visit_If(self, if_node):
function_node = ast.FunctionDef(name = "if_encapsulated", args=ast.arguments(posonlyargs=[], args=[], kwonlyargs=[], defaults=[]), body=[if_node], decorator_list=[], returns = None)
return function_node
code = """
x = 5 # comments to be retained
# above new line as well
if foo() == 'bar':
y = 10
print('foo is bar')
print('foo is not bar')
z =100
tree = ast.parse(code)
# ast.unparse(tree) doesn't work for FunctionDef as it raise error - no attribute called lineno
x = 5
def if_encapsulated():
if foo() == 'bar':
y = 10
print('foo is bar')
print('foo is not bar')
z = 100
I have tried using asttokens
library which seems to resolve the such issue but when I use I faced another issue. And also explored astor
again and faced some issues. Please help here.
The ast
module does not preserve comments and original formatting. Instead, you can use a library such as libcst
to generate an abstract syntax tree that does include comments, etc:
import libcst
import libcst._nodes as ln
def create_node(ast, **kwargs):
return type(ast)(**{**{i:getattr(ast, i) for i in ast.__slots__}, **kwargs})
def make_updates(ast):
if hasattr(ast, 'body'):
body = []
for i in ast.body:
if isinstance(i, ln.statement.If) and i.orelse is not None:
name = ln.expression.Name(value = 'if_encapsulated'),
params = ln.expression.Parameters(params = []),
body = ln.statement.IndentedBlock(body = [create_node(i, leading_lines = [])]),
leading_lines = i.leading_lines))
body.append(ln.statement.SimpleStatementLine(body = [
ln.statement.Expr(value = ln.expression.Call(
func = ln.expression.Name(value = 'if_encapsulated')))]))
return create_node(ast, body = body)
return ast
code = """
x = 5 # comments to be retained
# above new line as well
if foo() == 'bar':
y = 10
print('foo is bar')
print('foo is not bar')
z =100
lib_ast = libcst.parse_module(code)
updated_ast = make_updates(lib_ast)
x = 5 # comments to be retained
# above new line as well
def if_encapsulated():
if foo() == 'bar':
y = 10
print('foo is bar')
print('foo is not bar')
z =100