HISTORY: A system has passed through 1 - 19 or so statuses before being moved to production. I need to build a report showing the date the system passed through a status and NA if the system did not pass through a status.
REQUIREMENTS: The report needs to look something like this:
System Initial Operations PIM_Assigned PIM_Complete Database Application
Server001 9/1/2011 NA 9/2/2011 NA NA 9/1/2011
Server002 9/10/2011 NA 9/5/2011 9/25/2011 NA 9/9/2011
Server003 9/21/2011 9/22/2011 NA NA 9/24/2011 NA
Server004 9/23/2011 9/19/2011 9/23/2011 9/20/2011 9/23/2011 9/1/2011
Here is the query with a sample data dump following (dump does not match above - the above is for illustration purposes):
select status, convert(varchar,effectivedate,101) e, systemname from si_statushistory where systemname='SERVER052' order by e desc, history_id desc
with output from my query looking like this:
PSI 09/09/2011 SERVER052
Application 09/09/2011 SERVER052
Operations 09/09/2011 SERVER052
Application 07/14/2011 SERVER052
Operations 07/13/2011 SERVER052
Operations 07/13/2011 SERVER052
PSI 07/13/2011 SERVER052
PIM Assigned 06/08/2011 SERVER052
PSI 06/08/2011 SERVER052
SD_Verify 01/15/2012 SERVER052
PSI Operations 01/08/2012 SERVER052
Frame Team 01/01/2011 SERVER052
Example of what ONE row would look like:
something is missing here
I hope this is clear and makes sense...
The page is being displayed using Coldfusion and I'm adequate with using Arrays and Structures if that makes this easier to build out. Time of of the essence which is why I'm reaching out for some help. I could do this but I need it sooner than later.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ReturnPivotedSystemInfo
[system] = systemname,
ed = CONVERT(CHAR(10), effectivedate, 101), -- not varchar w/o length
(PARTITION BY systemname, status ORDER BY effectivedate DESC)
FROM dbo.si_statushistory
-- where clause here
SELECT [system],
Initial = COALESCE(MAX(CASE WHEN [status] = 'Initial' THEN ed END), 'NA'),
Operations = COALESCE(MAX(CASE WHEN [status] = 'Operations' THEN ed END), 'NA'),
PIM_Assigned = COALESCE(MAX(CASE WHEN [status] = 'PIM Assigned' THEN ed END), 'NA')
--, repeat for other possible values of status
WHERE rn = 1
GROUP BY [system];
Now your ColdFusion just needs to execute the stored procedure dbo.ReturnPivotedSystemInfo
and from there on it should be able to behave just as if you had called SELECT * FROM sometable