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What's the difference between ./nuget.exe pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj vs nuget pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj on mac?

I am following a lab designed for visual studio on windows, on visual studio for mac.

The lab instructions are ./nuget.exe pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj but it doesn't build anything and just pops open my finder to the folder where .csproj is in.

I had to do nuget pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj for it to build successfully.

What is the difference between these 2 commands? Is it a shell/executable thing, or specific to nuget, or specific to macos?


  • With the Windows OS, executable programs are expected to have a .exe file extension. With macOS and *nix operating systems, executable program do not have a special file extension.

    When the lab instructions for Windows use nuget.exe, change it to nuget for macOS.

    To specifically run the version of NuGet that you downloaded, cd to the directory that contains nuget and run the command as ./nuget. (The lab is using the *nix directory separator in the examples.)