I am a novice moodle administrator and, in addition, they ask me for things that I think are out of the ordinary. My users need their videos to have a dynamic watermark to prevent piracy.
I have evaluated some options, such as VDO Cipher, but they seem too expensive for a training that is offered almost free of charge.
Can you advise me something else? In addition to being an administrator, I am an application architect and maybe I could do a custom development, maybe using fmpeg or similar.
What do you recommend?
You can try this
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf "drawtext=text='Text':x=w-mod(max(t\,0)*(w+tw)/10\,(w+tw)):y=h-text_h:fontsize=24:fontcolor=black:box=1:[email protected]:boxborderw=5" -c:a copy -y output.mp4
This will create a text that will scroll horizontally, for the duration of the video
Change the "Text" here to match what you want
makes the text run across the screen in 10 seconds.
positions the text at the bottom of the video
black:box=1:[email protected]: boxborderw=5
creates a frame around the text to make it more visible, but you can remove it
Note that you can use a font file of your choice by adding the "fontfile" option in the filter