Search code examples

How to make a correct aggregation request to an array to exclude an empty response

There is a database of this type: {_id: "...", shelf:{type:String}, books:{type:Array({ name :{type:String}})}} I need to extract all the shelves anyway, even if they don't have the book I'm looking for, my unsuccessful query looks like this:

let query = [ 
 {$match:{shelf: shelf}},
 {$unwind: "$books"}, 
 {$match: {$or:[ {' ': {$exists: false}}, // If empty 
 {' ': name}, // If there is a necessary book 
 {' ': {$nin:name}} // If there is no necessary 
]}} ]

My desire to exclude an empty answer has led me to a dead end. there have been attempts to use $not, $ne, $nin. The result is one [ ] or undefined


  • I believe you are trying to get the shelves irrespective of existence of books. Your query has $unwind which is stopping this you need to pass an additional parameter (preserveNullAndEmptyArrays) like this

    let query = [{
        $match: {
          shelf: shelf
        $unwind: {
          path: "$books",
          preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
        $match: {
          $or: [{
              ' ': {
                $exists: false
            }, // If empty 
              ' ': name
            }, // If there is a necessary book 
              ' ': {
                $nin: name
            } // If there is no necessary 