I'm trying to access the documentReference.data(as: ) but it seems like it wouldn't show on my end. I was wondering if this method is deprecated? if so is there any alternative method I can use to map a document reference to a Swift type.
Here's a screenshot of my code:
documentReference.data(as: ) not showing
What I'm try to do is something like this.
func fetchOccupants() async throws -> [Occupant] {
let snapshot = try await occupantsRef.getDocuments()
return snapshot.documents.compactMap { document in
try? document.data(as: Occupants.self)
After a few days of testing and reading some documentation I finally solved it. It seems like using Cocoapods to add FirebaseFirestoreSwift is not working, so I tried using Swift Package Manager instead since it's more updated Package Manager for Swift.
Following this method works for me link