I would like to test multiple model iterations and compare them using a nested for loop.
Reproducible example using the iris dataframe (below).
As the output (ALL_modData), I would like to generate a dataframe with 4 datapoints for each species (12 total). This works for the 2nd and 3rd species (i= 2 and i=3), but it seems to drop iterations for the first species (i=1). Any ideas of why this is happening and how I might fix it would be greatly appreciated!
Species <- as.character(unique(iris$Species))
expval <- c(0.25,0.50,0.75,0.80)
for (i in 1:length(Species)) {
for(j in 1:length(expval)) {
# Create dataframes
currdata <- iris[iris$Species == Species[i],]
modData <- as.data.frame(Species[i])
# Run model
mod <- nls(Sepal.Width ~ b1*Petal.Width^expval[j],
data = currdata,
start = list(b1 = 0))
modsum <- summary(mod)
# Save summary statistics
modData$expval <- expval[j]
modData$est <- modsum[["parameters"]][1]
modData$stderr <- modsum[["parameters"]][2]
modData$tval <- modsum[["parameters"]][3]
modData$pval <- modsum[["parameters"]][4]
# Bind together in a dataframe
if (i==1) {
ALL_modData = modData
} else {
ALL_modData = rbind(ALL_modData,modData)
Thanks for providing a reproducible example. I took the liberty and moved things around a bit and removed what I thought was not absolutely needed. At the same time, I believe the readability has been slightly improved if not preserved.
expval <- c(0.25,0.50,0.75,0.80)
result <- list()
counter <- 0
for (species in unique(iris$Species)) {
for(expval_j in expval) {
counter <- counter + 1 # needed to accumulate data in the list
currdata <- iris[iris$Species == species,]
mod <- nls(Sepal.Width ~ b1*Petal.Width^expval_j,
data = currdata,
start = list(b1 = 0))
modsum <- summary(mod)
result[[counter]] <- data.frame(
species = species,
expval = expval_j,
est = modsum[["parameters"]][1],
stderr = modsum[["parameters"]][2],
tval = modsum[["parameters"]][3],
pval = modsum[["parameters"]][4]
result <- do.call("rbind", args = result)
species expval est stderr tval pval
1 setosa 0.25 4.904970 0.09226910 53.15941 5.391081e-45
2 setosa 0.50 6.805375 0.20345691 33.44873 2.102231e-35
3 setosa 0.75 9.153445 0.39931471 22.92289 7.606055e-28
4 setosa 0.80 9.676470 0.45036653 21.48577 1.369816e-26
5 versicolor 0.25 2.590398 0.03371794 76.82553 9.736696e-53
6 versicolor 0.50 2.412266 0.02866094 84.16562 1.150592e-54
7 versicolor 0.75 2.237280 0.02908471 76.92289 9.155387e-53
8 versicolor 0.80 2.202793 0.02964109 74.31552 4.890900e-52
9 virginica 0.25 2.499099 0.03334678 74.94273 3.251383e-52
10 virginica 0.50 2.092763 0.02719387 76.95715 8.959373e-53
11 virginica 0.75 1.746654 0.02502303 69.80184 1.024634e-50
12 virginica 0.80 1.683973 0.02485225 67.75938 4.327017e-50