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Get the value from VisualTransformation Jetpack Compose TextField

How can I get the transformed value from VisualTransformation in Jetpack compose TextField? since the only thing that is changing is the visual text not the actual input/buffered text?

class CurrencyAmountInputVisualTransformation(
    private val currencySymbol: String,
    private val unbufferedValueChange: (String) -> Unit
) : VisualTransformation {

    private val symbols = DecimalFormat().decimalFormatSymbols
    private val numberOfDecimals: Int = 2

    override fun filter(text: AnnotatedString): TransformedText {

        val zero = symbols.zeroDigit

        val inputText = text.text

        val intPart = inputText
            .ifEmpty {

        val fractionPart = inputText.takeLast(numberOfDecimals).let {
            if (it.length != numberOfDecimals) {
                List(numberOfDecimals - it.length) {
                }.joinToString("") + it
            } else {

        val formattedNumber = intPart + symbols.decimalSeparator.toString() + fractionPart
        val value = inputText.dropLast(numberOfDecimals)


        val newText = AnnotatedString(
            text = "$currencySymbol $formattedNumber",
            spanStyles = text.spanStyles,
            paragraphStyles = text.paragraphStyles


        return TransformedText(newText, ...)

I'm getting duplicate re-composition because of this approach since I have 2 mutable state, one for the input and one for the value that I'm getting from a lambda callback I passed to the VisualTransformation.

internal fun CurrencyField(
) {

    val pattern = remember { Regex("^\\d*\\.?\\d*\$") }
    var input by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
    var amountInput by remember { mutableStateOf(0.00) }

        text = input,
        onTextChanged = {
            if (it.isEmpty() || it.matches(pattern)) {
                input = it
        keyboardType = KeyboardType.NumberPassword,
        visualTransformation = CurrencyAmountInputVisualTransformation("PHP") {
            amountInput = it.toDouble()

Output: Input screenshot

Is there any way I can get


without using a callback in the VisualTransformation class?



  • You have to apply the same filter used by the VisualTransformation

        var text by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
        val visualTransformation = MyVisualTransformation()
            value = text,
            onValueChange = { text = it },
            visualTransformation = visualTransformation
        val transformedText = remember(text, visualTransformation) {