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Quarkus 2.11.x no longer includes org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics:microprofile-metrics-api:3.0.1

I am currently migrating from 2.10.x (bom) and when I tried 2.11.3 (bom) I found that org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation.Gauge no longer exists. This comes from the following jar:-


I feel like I must have missed something in the migration notes but I am unclear what to do about it.

Any help would be much appreciated.


  • It seems that the transitive dependency to microprofile-metrics-api was removed from quarkus version 2.11.x onwards. Thus, if we want to use it, we have to add it.

    For gradle, we add the following line to our build.gradle:


    For maven, we add the following line to our pom.xml:


    (The snippets for the build.gradle and pom.xml were taken from the official quarkus guide)