I'm fairly new to R, I feel like this is a basic question but I haven't been able to fix it.
I have the following code, where events_b an empty dataframe with the same headers as events, and cuts is a vector of POSIXct values.
events_b <- events[0,]
events_b <- rbind(events_b,
c(event$id[1], event$start[1], cut[1]),
c(eventos$id[1], cut[1], as.POSIXct(event$start[1]))
However, when I do this, the headers from events_b (originally from events) are replaced with what looks like the column vector (ex, instead of "id", I'm getting "c..001....002" as a column header)
Is there a way of keeping the column headers? I'm going to put this code inside a loop, so the rbind will keep adding rows to events_b, but it's important for it to start out empty.
The issues sstems from the source of rbind.data.frame
. The code will iteratively try to find all zero-length arguments and silently removes them. This is done without name preservation of the first argument and is documented in the "Data frame methods" section of help(rbind)
. From the help page:
The rbind data frame method first drops all zero-column and zero-row arguments
To keep the names, either make certain the first row is not of zero length or add names(event_b) <- names(event)
at the end of your code.
The source code for this behaviour is indicated below:
> rbind.data.frame
function (..., deparse.level = 1, make.row.names = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
factor.exclude = TRUE)
... # more code
allargs <- list(...)
allargs <- allargs[lengths(allargs) > 0L] # drop everything of column length zero
if (length(allargs)) {
nr <- vapply(allargs, function(x) if (is.data.frame(x))
.row_names_info(x, 2L)
else if (is.list(x))
else length(x), 1L)
if (any(n0 <- nr == 0L)) {
if (all(n0))
allargs <- allargs[!n0] # drop everything of row-length 0
... # more code
Looking at the first couple of lines of the source of rbind.data.frame