I tried this by exploring web and supabase docs but nothing really happens
import 'package:supabase/supabase.dart';
class supahandelar {
static const SupaUrl = 'UrlFromSupabase';
static const SupaKey = 'KeyFromSupabase';
final client = SupabaseClient(SupaUrl, SupaKey);
getData() async {
var response = await client.from('Pokemons').select().execute();
It gives me this output on console:
instance of 'minified:hy<erased>'
Also not getting any output in widgets/ui
Can anyone please suggest me simple methods to only fetch data.
It was just an RSL issues. When i tried with new databases without RSL disabled it worked.
So i need to create RSL Policy of who to allow read data... For Ex:-I Added true for all user to read
If anyone face this issue please check/ Create RSL Policy.