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'loggedInUser' is possibly 'undefined'.ts(18048)

I am using Auth library to set current logged in user , I am able to obtain loggedInUser object in console , but when i check any conditions with loggedInUser , it says this error :

'loggedInUser' is possibly 'undefined'.ts(18048)

here's the code :

const UserList: FC = () => {
  return (
        <KTCardBody className='py-4'>
          <PaginatedItems />

const MainWrapper: FC = () => {
  const intl = useIntl()
  const { loggedInUser }= useAuth()
  console.log(loggedInUser) // Here  I am able to retrieve loggedInUser object details with id , name , token , role , etc .... Hence its working here.

  return (
    {loggedInUser.role !== 'superAdmin' ? ( // Here is says 'loggedInUser' is possibly 'undefined'.ts(18048)
          <ErrorsPage />
    ) : (
       <PageTitle breadcrumbs={[]}> Menu Items </PageTitle>
      <UserList />

export { MainWrapper }


  • This happens when useAuth() returned undefined. Then we cannot destructure it.

    Another scenario is useAuth() return any empty object which dont have a key/proploggedInUser. Give validation to handle this

    loggedInUser && loggedInUser.role !== 'superAdmin' 

    or (using optional chaining)



    const { loggedInUser }= useAuth()  || {}