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Convert child nodes into a single string using XQuery in ML 10

We have an application whose backend ML response format is JSON and we have a element with both text and nodes as below. <Title>Header <bold>abc</bold></Title>

Now, while converting the above node to JSON, we get the output as "Title": {"bold": "abc","_value": "Header "}

But to apply formatting in the UI ,we need the complete(text + node) data as _value "Title": {"_value": "Header <bold>abc</bold>"}

I tried using xdmp:quote() to convert node to string ,but I need to retain the <Title> as node.Could anyone please help me with this?


  • You could normalize the XML content, "flattening" out the inline elements with xdmp:quote() and turning them into escaped strings that are part of the title value, so that the JSON conversion process is just turning that title element text() into a JSON property String.

    A simple XSLT that achieves that with your sample XML:

    import module namespace json = ""
        at "/MarkLogic/json/json.xqy";
    let $doc := <Title>Header <bold>abc</bold></Title>
    let $xslt := 
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="2.0" 
      xmlns:xdmp="" extension-element-prefixes="xdmp">
      <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
      <!--quote any inline elements to make them escaped strings that are part of the parent element value, rather than child elements-->
      <xsl:template match="bold|italics|underline">
        <xsl:sequence select="xdmp:quote(.)"/>
    let $normalized-doc := xdmp:xslt-eval($xslt, $doc)
    let $custom :=
      let $config := json:config("custom") => map:with("whitespace", "ignore" )
      return $config
    return json:transform-to-json($normalized-doc, $custom)

    and produces the following output:

    "Title": "Header <bold>abc</bold>"