The following code works great on Page 1 of data inside an Gridview control:
If e.CommandName = "Void" Then
'Read the status of the ticket currently
Dim RowIndex As Integer = CInt(e.CommandArgument)
Dim row As GridViewRow = grdTradeTickets.Rows(RowIndex)
Dim lblTransactionID As Label = DirectCast(row.FindControl("lblTransactionID"), Label)
Dim lblTtStatus As Label = DirectCast(row.FindControl("lblTtStatus"), Label)
Dim lblTradeTicketID As Label = DirectCast(row.FindControl("lblTradeTicketID"), Label)
'If already void, show "Already Void" message to user. Else continue "Are you sure you want to void this Trade Ticket?"
If lblTtStatus.Text = "Void" Then
lblTradeTicketIdToVoid.Text = lblTradeTicketID.Text
End If
End If
However if the user clicks the "Void" button on any later page, the following error is thrown:
"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index"
It's not like the Index is null or something. It has a value. Thoughts?
Try replacing the lines:
Dim RowIndex As Integer = CInt(e.CommandArgument)
Dim row As GridViewRow = grdTradeTickets.Rows(RowIndex)
Dim row As GridViewRow = DirectCast(DirectCast(e.CommandSource, Control).Parent.Parent, GridViewRow)