i have a app-routing.module where at specified path i lazyload another module.
path: 'ROUTE1',
loadChildren: () => import('../modules/modulename/modulename.module').then((val) => val.modulename),
this is the routing of my child module:
path: '',
component: modulenameComponent,
path: 'register/:id',
loadChildren: () => import('../../modules/secondomodule/secondomodule.module').then((val) => val.secondomodule),
What i want now if i go to the path: register/:id is go to the secondmodule.routing at
path: 'register/:id',
component: Nomecomponent,
instead of
path: '',
component: OtherComponent,
Is possible in lazyloading pass to the loaded module a specified path?
In order to do what you want, your path would be
since your route is a concatenation of all paths in hierarchy (root path + child path recursive)
Rethink your navigation.