Via script, I am creating a static body that has a child panel container that has a child label node. When text is applied to the label, the top-left corner of the panel container is centered on the static body, resulting in off-center text (see screenshot below).
The following code is used to create the nodes:
func create_distance_marker():
var static_body = = "distance_location"
static_body.position = Global.mid_point
var panel_container = = "panel_container"
var distance_label = = "distance_label"
distance_label.text = str(Global.distance)
The following code is used to place the static body and update the label text:
func display_distance_marker():
var static_body = get_node("distance_location")
static_body.position = Global.mid_point
Global.distance = round(point_one.distance_to(point_two) / 35)
var distance_label = get_node("distance_location/panel_container/distance_label")
distance_label.text = str(Global.distance)
I've found similar questions already asked, but the answers were geared towards configuring the nodes via the inspector. I suspect that the align and valign controls to need to be set to 'center', but can't figure out how to do that via script.
So, the first step was to simplify things and eliminate the panel container
. Then I used conditional logic to center both single-digit and double-digit distances within the distance marker circle.
func display_distance_marker():
var distance_label
var static_body = get_node("distance_location")
if Global.click_and_drag and Global.shift_pressed:
static_body.position = Global.mid_point
static_body.visible = true
Global.distance = round(point_one.distance_to(point_two) / 35)
distance_label = get_node("distance_location/distance_label")
distance_label.text = str(Global.distance)
var label_size = distance_label.size
var label_coord
if Global.distance < 10:
label_coord = Vector2(-.1 * label_size.x, -10)
label_coord = Vector2(-.2 * label_size.x, -10)
distance_label.position = label_coord
static_body.visible = false