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How to apply dimension filters in GA4 apis in ruby?

I am trying to add filters to the requests for the GA4 Custom Dimension but getting multiples error.

If I try to send without any filters I am able to get data so no issue with the custom dimension setting.

I am getting confused about the syntax.

referred from -

 :dimensions=>[{:name=>"date"}, {:name=>"customUser:type"}],
 :metrics=>[{:name=>"activeUsers", :invisible=>false}],
 :date_ranges=>[{:start_date=>"2023-01-01", :end_date=>"today", :name=>"date"}],
 :dimension_filter_clauses=>[{:dimension_name=>"customUser:type", :expressions=>["Customer"], :not=>false, :operator=>"OR"}],

What should be the correct syntax to make the request?


  • I got the answer after trial and error this will be for v1beta.

     :dimensions=>[{:name=>"date"}, {:name=>"customUser:type"}],
     :metrics=>[{:name=>"activeUsers", :invisible=>false}],
     :date_ranges=>[{:start_date=>"2023-01-01", :end_date=>"today", :name=>"date"}],
     :dimension_filter=>{:filter=>{:field_name=>"customUser:type", :string_filter=>{ :match_type=> "EXACT", :value=>"<value>"}}},