Search code examples

Workaround for REGEXP_REPLACE in Oracle SQL | Regular Expression too long

I am using REGEXP_REPLACE to search multiple source strings (>1000) in a column1 of table1 and replace with pattern 'xyz' using select statement. But I am getting below error as REGEXP_REPLACE has limitation of 512 bytes.

ORA-12733: regular expression too long

I was wondering if there is any work around for it.

Below is my initial query.

select REGEXP_REPLACE(table1.Column1,'SearchString1|SearchString2|SearchString1|.....SearchString1000','xyz')
from table1

My query would be very long if I use below solution.
Can it be done in loop using shell script?


  • I don't know whether you can do it in loop using shell script, but - why? Regular expressions still work, only if you adjust it a little bit.

    I'd suggest you to store search strings into a separate table (or use a CTE, as in the following example). Then outer join it to the source table (test in my example) and - see the result.

    Sample data:

    SQL> with
      2  test (col) as
      3    (select 'Littlefoot' from dual union all
      4     select 'Bigfoot'    from dual union all
      5     select 'Footloose'  from dual union all
      6     select 'New York'   from dual union all
      7     select 'Yorkshire'  from dual union all
      8     select 'None'       from dual
      9    ),
     10  search_strings (sstring) as
     11    (select 'foot' from dual union all
     12     select 'york' from dual
     13    )


     14  select t.col,
     15      regexp_replace(t.col, s.sstring, 'xyz', 1, 1, 'i') result
     16  from test t left join search_strings s on regexp_instr(t.col, s.sstring, 1, 1, 0, 'i') > 0;
    COL        RESULT
    ---------- --------------------
    Littlefoot Littlexyz
    Bigfoot    Bigxyz
    Footloose  xyzloose
    New York   New xyz
    Yorkshire  xyzshire
    None       None
    6 rows selected.