I am trying to add a trigger rule to a lambda version using cli:
I try the following command:
aws events put-targets --rule rule-name --targets "Id"="1","Arn"="arn..."
This commands run successfully and I can see my lambda function in Event Bridge console under targets. But when I go to lambda function and to the version I don't see any trigger event being added.
I am not sure if this an error/bug or expected behavior. Is there a way to add a trigger event to a published version of lambda function such that it shows in trigger console (essentially to show that trigger event is added successfully) using aws cli.
Via awscli > $ aws s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration
I have had the same problem, it's a little bit frustating but, i've found other way and maybe a more logical way. Triggers in Lambda Console only support a few message notification services. And seems to be mostly for test purposes. Although, there's a way to invoke your lambda function from an event in S3.
To configure S3 to send some event file at some lambda function from some event occurs on your bucket, just go to your bucket through this path in S3 Console:
BucketName > Properties > EventNotifications !
there you can configure your event source, even awscli support it vi 's3api' service command:
@$ aws s3api put-bucket-notification # Deprecated
@$ aws s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration
the last one support the following destination from S3:
Ref using S3 Triggers with Lambda https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/with-s3-tutorial.html#with-s3-tutorial-configure-event-source