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How to update / upgrade Playwright?

What is proper way of updating/upgrading Playwright in Node.js project?
I tried to find this in official docs but I didn't found anything specific.

i.e. I have this simple project:

  "name": "cool-tests",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {},
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@playwright/test": "^1.28.1"

What is best way of maintaining this project with newest Playwright version, together with the compatible browsers?


  • npm i @playwright/test

    EDIT: PLAYWRIGHT HELPERS is the VSCode extension that contains all the mentioned commands; see the update at the end of the answer.

    Playwright recommended full update command:

    npm install -D @playwright/test@latest

    @latest will update also major version (but is rare chance to happen that Playwright get 2.0 release)
    also adding @latest prevent form improper release version (very rare situation

    -D option is for installing as dev dependency

    Usually after Playwright update, browsers need to be updated with command:

    npx playwright install

    Checking if Playwright package needs update:

    npm outdated @playwright/test

    The result may look like this

    image result of npm outdated @playwright/test

    Running npm i @playwright/test updates to Wanted and npm i @playwright/test@latest to Latest. No difference expected in this two in the near future😊

    Common problems

    If command npx playwright install was not executed after update of Playwright version, and tests were run like:

    npx playwright test

    Then Playwright automatically recognize old browsers, throw error and propose installation of updated one.

     browserType.launch: Executable doesn't exist at 
        β•‘ Looks like Playwright Test or Playwright was just installed or updated. β•‘
        β•‘ Please run the following command to download new browsers:              β•‘
        β•‘                                                                         β•‘
        β•‘     npx playwright install                                              β•‘
        β•‘                                                                         β•‘
        β•‘ <3 Playwright Team                                                      β•‘

    There is no official docs regarding updating/upgrading, see for that.

    Useful commands regarding installation:

    • Checking Playwright version:

      npx @playwright/test --version
    • Update to specific version

      npm install @playwright/test@1.28
    • Update to Canary Release (next release, published daily, treat it like beta) docs

      npm install @playwright/test@next
    • Install latest official version

      npm install @playwright/test@latest

    Uninstalling Playwright

    Uninstalling package

    npm uninstall @playwright/test

    Remove browsers installed from last installation

    $ npx playwright uninstall

    Remove all ever-install Playwright browsers

    $ npx playwright uninstall --all 


    There is VSCode extension with all those commands: PLAYWRIGHT HELPERS

    See screenshot: