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How to return last node having namespace in it using Xquery

I have this file, which have namespaces in it, I am trying to write a Xquery which will return, the last node having the namespace, but unabe to find the logic to return the namespace node(PS: I am new to Xquery)

XML File -

    <soapenv:Envelope   xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="">
        <postRequestResponse    xmlns="">
            <OnlineBRE  xmlns="">


I have tried a query to return node with exact string value, but that didn't work.


  • Based on your comments on the Mads Hansen's answer I came up with this:

    declare namespace array = "";
    declare function local:ns-changed ($current as element(), $last-ns, $last-element) {
      $current/element() ! (
        let $child-ns := namespace-uri-from-QName(node-name(.))
          if ( $child-ns = $last-ns )
          then local:ns-changed(., $last-ns, $last-element)
          else local:ns-changed(., $child-ns, .)
    let $root :=
        <soapenv:Envelope   xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soapenv="">
            <postRequestResponse    xmlns="">
                <OnlineBRE  xmlns="">
    let $initial-ns := namespace-uri-from-QName(node-name($root))
    let $wanted := head(local:ns-changed($root, $initial-ns, $root))
    return $wanted

    I may not be pretty and inefficient and also only tested on your provided input, but it does what you want.

    Here you can see it in action

    Currently it returns the last element where the namespace changed. To return the node-name or the value or something else modify the last line.