I want to use male/female/transgendered/hermaphrodite symbols in base R plot.
This works for me with male and female symbols (male example below).
a = '\u2642' # unicode for male (female = '\u2640')
plot(1, 1, pch = a)
With hermaphrodite/transgendered, I get a square.
a <- '\u26a5' # unicode for hermaphrodite/transgendered
plot(1, 1, pch = a)
> a
[1] "⚥"
According to what I had read elsewhere, this seemed like it could be a macOs-specific problem. Many other unicodes also failed and gave me the same square.
This was resolved by installing fonts that support transgendered/hermaphrodite unicode. A list of fonts reportedly supporting U+26A5 could be found in the link below.
I tried using DejaVu Sans (worked), Symbola (worked), and Code2000 (the version I installed did not work - seemingly without a working hermaphrodite symbol). These were downloaded from various sites on the internet and installed with Font Book. Here's a code with a usable font.
a <- '\u26a5' # unicode for hermaphrodite/transgendered
plot(1, 1, pch = a, family = "DejaVu Sans")
Here, pch could be replaced with likes of main, xlab, ylab, text, etc. There is no need for Cairo - a code for base R shown below works fine.
a <- '\u26a5'
plot(1, 1, main = a, family = "Symbola")
Hermaphrodite unicode is supported by few fonts. For most things, Arial Unicode MS works fine. List of characters and glyphs with Arial Unicode MS (38,917 characters and 38,917 glyphs).