I'm using Playground as a testing ground for code with the intention to transition in the near future to creating an iOS app.
In case the term "back-door-Roth" is unfamiliar, let me attempt to level the bubble. If, in a given calendar year, an employee contributes to their 401k up to an amount totaling the IRS contribution limit (currently $22,500 in most cases), the employee typically is restricted by law to discontinue contributions. However, an employer may offer a "back-door" option which would allow the employee to continue contributing beyond the IRS contribution limit. However those "above-the-limit" contributions are placed into a separate Roth account, often labeled a "401a" account. This employee may continue to contribute to their 401a account throughout that calendar year so long as the sum total of his/her contributions and the company's contributions do not exceed the IRS combined contribution limit (currently $66,000 in most cases).
Thanks to Chip Jarred and other SO contributors, the below playground code is fully functional. This code does not allow for 401a "back-door-Roth" contributions, but it is a solid foundation upon which I am building:
import Foundation
let pennyRoundingBehavior = NSDecimalNumberHandler(
roundingMode: .bankers,
scale: 2,
raiseOnExactness: false,
raiseOnOverflow: true,
raiseOnUnderflow: true,
raiseOnDivideByZero: true
func roundToNearestPenny(percentage: Decimal, of dollarAmount: Decimal) -> Decimal
let x = ((dollarAmount * percentage / 100) as NSDecimalNumber)
return x.rounding(accordingToBehavior: pennyRoundingBehavior) as Decimal
enum ContributionMonth: Int, CaseIterable
case January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December
static var count:Int { allCases.count }
struct MonthlyContributions
var roth : Decimal = 0
var traditional : Decimal = 0
var rothCompany : Decimal = 0
var traditionalCompany : Decimal = 0
var yearToDate : Decimal = 0
var yearToDateAll : Decimal = 0
extension MonthlyContributions
var total: Decimal { roth + traditional }
var companyTotal: Decimal { rothCompany + traditionalCompany }
func nextMonth(
combinedAmount: Decimal,
rothPercentage: Decimal,
rothPercentageCompany: Decimal,
combinedAmountCompany: Decimal
) -> Self
let roth = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: rothPercentage,
of: combinedAmount
let rothCompany = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: rothPercentageCompany,
of: combinedAmountCompany
return Self(
roth: roth,
traditional: combinedAmount - roth,
rothCompany: rothCompany,
traditionalCompany: combinedAmountCompany - rothCompany,
yearToDate: combinedAmount + yearToDate,
yearToDateAll: combinedAmount + combinedAmountCompany + yearToDateAll
extension Array where Element == MonthlyContributions {
subscript (index: ContributionMonth) -> Element { self[index.rawValue] }
func calculatePersCombinedContribution(
monthlyContribution monthly : Decimal,
annualContributionLimit limit : Decimal,
contributionsSoFarThisYear cummulative: Decimal) -> Decimal
min(max(0, limit - cummulative), monthly)
func calculateAllCombinedContribution(
monthlyContribution monthly : Decimal,
annualCombinedContributionLimit limit : Decimal,
allContributionsSoFarThisYear cummulative: Decimal) -> Decimal
min(max(0, limit - cummulative), monthly)
func computeMonthlyContributions(
monthlyPay : Decimal,
contributionPercentage: Decimal,
companyContributionPercentage: Decimal,
rothPercentage : Decimal,
contributionLimit : Decimal,
combinedContributionLimit: Decimal) -> [MonthlyContributions]
assert(monthlyPay >= 0)
assert(contributionLimit >= 0)
var contribution = MonthlyContributions()
var monthlyContributions: [MonthlyContributions] = []
let monthlyContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: contributionPercentage,
of: monthlyPay
let monthlyCompanyContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: companyContributionPercentage,
of: monthlyPay
for _ in ContributionMonth.allCases
let combinedPersAmount = calculatePersCombinedContribution(
monthlyContribution : monthlyContribution,
annualContributionLimit : contributionLimit,
contributionsSoFarThisYear: contribution.yearToDate
let combinedAllAmount = calculateAllCombinedContribution(
monthlyContribution : monthlyCompanyContribution,
annualCombinedContributionLimit : combinedContributionLimit,
allContributionsSoFarThisYear : contribution.yearToDateAll
contribution = contribution.nextMonth(
combinedAmount: combinedPersAmount,
rothPercentage: rothPercentage,
rothPercentageCompany: rothPercentage,
combinedAmountCompany: combinedAllAmount
return monthlyContributions
var monthlyPay : Decimal = 12758.0
var personal401kLimit : Decimal = 22500.0
var personal401kPercentage: Decimal = 100.0
var companyContributionPercentage: Decimal = 16.0
var roth401kPercentage : Decimal = 10.0
var combinedContributionLimit : Decimal = 66000.0
let monthlyContributions = computeMonthlyContributions(
monthlyPay : monthlyPay,
contributionPercentage: personal401kPercentage,
companyContributionPercentage : companyContributionPercentage,
rothPercentage : roth401kPercentage,
contributionLimit : personal401kLimit,
combinedContributionLimit : combinedContributionLimit
for month in ContributionMonth.allCases
let curContribution = monthlyContributions[month]
print("Contribution for \(month)")
print(" Traditional : $\(curContribution.traditional)")
print(" Roth : $\(curContribution.roth)")
print(" Year-To-Date: $\(curContribution.yearToDate)")
print(" Company Trad: $\(curContribution.traditionalCompany)")
print(" Company Roth: $\(curContribution.rothCompany)")
print(" Combined Year-To-Date: $\(curContribution.yearToDateAll)")
The output:
Contribution for January Traditional : $11482.2 Roth : $1275.8 Year-To-Date: $12758 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $14799.28 Contribution for February Traditional : $8767.8 Roth : $974.2 Year-To-Date: $22500 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $26582.56 Contribution for March Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Year-To-Date: $22500 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $28623.84 Contribution for April Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Year-To-Date: $22500 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $30665.12 Contribution for May Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Year-To-Date: $22500 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $32706.4 Contribution for June Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Year-To-Date: $22500 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $34747.68 Contribution for July Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Year-To-Date: $22500 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $36788.96 Contribution for August Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Year-To-Date: $22500 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $38830.24 Contribution for September Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Year-To-Date: $22500 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $40871.52 Contribution for October Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Year-To-Date: $22500 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $42912.8 Contribution for November Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Year-To-Date: $22500 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $44954.08 Contribution for December Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Year-To-Date: $22500 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $46995.36
Now on to improve this code to include 401a contributions...
This is a snipped image of a working excel product that contains the functionality I wish to translate into Playground:
I have updated the above "foundation" code in an attempt to incorporate 401a contributions. You'll see that 401a contributions in January and February look correct (matches the excel spreadsheet) but March and on are not correct (do not match the excel spreadsheet):
import Foundation
let pennyRoundingBehavior = NSDecimalNumberHandler(
roundingMode: .bankers,
scale: 2,
raiseOnExactness: false,
raiseOnOverflow: true,
raiseOnUnderflow: true,
raiseOnDivideByZero: true
func roundToNearestPenny(percentage: Decimal, of dollarAmount: Decimal) -> Decimal
let x = ((dollarAmount * percentage / 100) as NSDecimalNumber)
return x.rounding(accordingToBehavior: pennyRoundingBehavior) as Decimal
enum ContributionMonth: Int, CaseIterable
case January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December
static var count:Int { allCases.count }
struct MonthlyContributions
var roth : Decimal = 0
var traditional : Decimal = 0
var pers401a : Decimal = 0
var rothCompany : Decimal = 0
var traditionalCompany : Decimal = 0
var yearToDate : Decimal = 0
var yearToDateAll : Decimal = 0
extension MonthlyContributions
var total: Decimal { roth + traditional }
var companyTotal: Decimal { rothCompany + traditionalCompany }
func nextMonth(
combinedAmount: Decimal,
rothPercentage: Decimal,
rothPercentageCompany: Decimal,
combinedAmountCompany: Decimal
) -> Self
let roth = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: rothPercentage,
of: combinedAmount
let rothCompany = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: rothPercentageCompany,
of: combinedAmountCompany
return Self(
roth: roth,
traditional: combinedAmount - roth,
pers401a: combinedAmount < total ? total - combinedAmount : 0,
rothCompany: rothCompany,
traditionalCompany: combinedAmountCompany - rothCompany,
yearToDate: combinedAmount + pers401a + yearToDate,
yearToDateAll: combinedAmount + combinedAmountCompany + yearToDateAll
extension Array where Element == MonthlyContributions {
subscript (index: ContributionMonth) -> Element { self[index.rawValue] }
func calculatePersCombinedContribution(
monthlyContribution monthly : Decimal,
annualContributionLimit limit : Decimal,
contributionsSoFarThisYear cummulative : Decimal) -> Decimal
min(max(0, limit - cummulative), monthly)
func calculate401aContribution(
monthlyContribution monthly : Decimal,
combinedContributionLimit limit : Decimal,
contributionsSoFarThisYear cummulative : Decimal) -> Decimal
min(max(0, limit - cummulative), monthly)
func calculateAllCombinedContribution(
monthlyContribution monthly : Decimal,
annualCombinedContributionLimit limit : Decimal,
allContributionsSoFarThisYear cummulative: Decimal) -> Decimal
min(max(0, limit - cummulative), monthly)
func computeMonthlyContributions(
monthlyPay : Decimal,
contributionPercentage: Decimal,
companyContributionPercentage: Decimal,
rothPercentage : Decimal,
contributionLimit : Decimal,
combinedContributionLimit: Decimal) -> [MonthlyContributions]
assert(monthlyPay >= 0)
assert(contributionLimit >= 0)
var contribution = MonthlyContributions()
var monthlyContributions: [MonthlyContributions] = []
let monthlyContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: contributionPercentage,
of: monthlyPay
let monthlyCompanyContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: companyContributionPercentage,
of: monthlyPay
for _ in ContributionMonth.allCases
let combinedPersAmount = calculatePersCombinedContribution(
monthlyContribution : monthlyContribution,
annualContributionLimit : contributionLimit,
contributionsSoFarThisYear: contribution.yearToDate
let pers401Amount = calculate401aContribution(
monthlyContribution: monthlyContribution,
combinedContributionLimit: combinedContributionLimit,
contributionsSoFarThisYear: contribution.yearToDateAll
let combinedAllAmount = calculateAllCombinedContribution(
monthlyContribution : monthlyCompanyContribution,
annualCombinedContributionLimit : combinedContributionLimit,
allContributionsSoFarThisYear : contribution.yearToDateAll
contribution = contribution.nextMonth(
combinedAmount: combinedPersAmount,
rothPercentage: rothPercentage,
rothPercentageCompany: rothPercentage,
combinedAmountCompany: combinedAllAmount
return monthlyContributions
var monthlyPay : Decimal = 12758.0
var personal401kLimit : Decimal = 22500.0
var personal401kPercentage: Decimal = 100.0
var companyContributionPercentage: Decimal = 16.0
var roth401kPercentage : Decimal = 10.0
var combinedContributionLimit : Decimal = 66000.0
let monthlyContributions = computeMonthlyContributions(
monthlyPay : monthlyPay,
contributionPercentage: personal401kPercentage,
companyContributionPercentage : companyContributionPercentage,
rothPercentage : roth401kPercentage,
contributionLimit : personal401kLimit,
combinedContributionLimit : combinedContributionLimit
for month in ContributionMonth.allCases
let curContribution = monthlyContributions[month]
print("Contribution for \(month)")
print(" Traditional : $\(curContribution.traditional)")
print(" Roth : $\(curContribution.roth)")
print(" Pers 401a : $\(curContribution.pers401a)")
// print(" Pers Year-To-Date: $\(curContribution.yearToDate)")
print(" Company Trad: $\(curContribution.traditionalCompany)")
print(" Company Roth: $\(curContribution.rothCompany)")
print(" Combined Year-To-Date: $\(curContribution.yearToDateAll)")
The output:
Contribution for January Traditional : $11482.2 Roth : $1275.8 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $14799.28 Contribution for February Traditional : $8767.8 Roth : $974.2 Pers 401a : $3016 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $26582.56 Contribution for March Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $9742 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $28623.84 Contribution for April Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $30665.12 Contribution for May Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $32706.4 Contribution for June Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $34747.68 Contribution for July Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $36788.96 ... Contribution for December Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $46995.36
The goal is for the printouts for "Pers 401a" and "Combined Year-To-Date" monthly values to reflect the excel spreadsheet.
I created an additional year-to-date totals with the purpose to correctly limit the 401a, but then realized that the conditionals which define 401a only reference two types of year-to-date totals: 1) the sum of the previous month personal Roth and Traditional contributions & 2) the sum of the previous month personal, company and 401a contributions. Consequently, I believe I only need "yearToDate" and "yearToDateAll" variables so long as the "yearToDateAll" includes previous month 401a contributions.
I have outlined the conditionals which define each month's 401a contributions in comments below and applied the comments into code, but the results are messy and inaccurate.
import Foundation
let pennyRoundingBehavior = NSDecimalNumberHandler(
roundingMode: .bankers,
scale: 2,
raiseOnExactness: false,
raiseOnOverflow: true,
raiseOnUnderflow: true,
raiseOnDivideByZero: true
func roundToNearestPenny(percentage: Decimal, of dollarAmount: Decimal) -> Decimal
let x = ((dollarAmount * percentage / 100) as NSDecimalNumber)
return x.rounding(accordingToBehavior: pennyRoundingBehavior) as Decimal
enum ContributionMonth: Int, CaseIterable
case January, February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November, December
static var count:Int { allCases.count }
struct MonthlyContributions
var roth : Decimal = 0
var traditional : Decimal = 0
var rothCompany : Decimal = 0
var traditionalCompany : Decimal = 0
var yearToDate : Decimal = 0
var yearToDateAll : Decimal = 0
var pers401a : Decimal = 0
extension MonthlyContributions
var total: Decimal { roth + traditional }
var companyTotal: Decimal { rothCompany + traditionalCompany }
func nextMonth(
combinedAmount: Decimal,
rothPercentage: Decimal,
rothPercentageCompany: Decimal,
combinedAmountCompany: Decimal
) -> Self
let roth = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: rothPercentage,
of: combinedAmount
let rothCompany = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: rothPercentageCompany,
of: combinedAmountCompany
return Self(
roth: roth,
traditional: combinedAmount - roth,
rothCompany: rothCompany,
traditionalCompany: combinedAmountCompany - rothCompany,
yearToDate: combinedAmount + yearToDate,
yearToDateAll: combinedAmount + pers401a + combinedAmountCompany + yearToDateAll,
pers401a conditionals:
1. If the sum of the previous month's running total of
personal and company contributions + this month's
personal contributions is < personal401klimit
($22,500), then pers401a = 0, otherwise...
2. If the sum of the previous month's running total of
personal and company contributions >= the
combined401klimit ($66,500), then pers401a = 0,
3. If the sum of the previous month's running total of
personal and company contributions + this month's
personal roth and traditional contributions < the
combined401klimit ($66,500), then...
a. if ((this month's personal roth +
traditional contributions) - (sum of all
previous month's peresonal roth & traditional
contributions)) = 0, then pers401a = 0, otherwise...
b. pers401a = (this month's personal roth + traditional
contributions) - (sum of all previous month's
peresonal roth & traditional contributions), otherwise...
4. pers401a = combined401klimit - the sum of the previous
month's running total of personal and company contributions.
yearToDateAll + total < personal401kLimit ? 0 :
yearToDateAll >= combinedContributionLimit ? 0 :
yearToDateAll + total < combinedContributionLimit ?
(total - yearToDate) == 0 ? 0 :
(total - yearToDate) :
combinedContributionLimit - yearToDateAll
extension Array where Element == MonthlyContributions {
subscript (index: ContributionMonth) -> Element { self[index.rawValue] }
func calculateAllCombinedContribution(
monthlyContribution monthly : Decimal,
annualContributionLimit limit : Decimal,
contributionsSoFarThisYear cummulative: Decimal) -> Decimal
min(max(0, limit - cummulative), monthly)
func computeMonthlyContributions(
monthlyPay : Decimal,
contributionPercentage : Decimal,
companyContributionPercentage : Decimal,
rothPercentage : Decimal,
contributionLimit : Decimal,
combinedContributionLimit : Decimal) -> [MonthlyContributions]
assert(monthlyPay >= 0)
assert(contributionLimit >= 0)
var contribution = MonthlyContributions()
var monthlyContributions: [MonthlyContributions] = []
let monthlyContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: contributionPercentage,
of: monthlyPay
let monthlyCompanyContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: companyContributionPercentage,
of: monthlyPay
for _ in ContributionMonth.allCases
let combinedPersAmount = calculateAllCombinedContribution(
monthlyContribution : monthlyContribution,
annualContributionLimit : contributionLimit,
contributionsSoFarThisYear: contribution.yearToDate
let pers401Amount = calculateAllCombinedContribution(
monthlyContribution : monthlyContribution,
annualContributionLimit : combinedContributionLimit,
//incorporate new yearToDate401a
contributionsSoFarThisYear : contribution.yearToDateAll
let combinedAllAmount = calculateAllCombinedContribution(
monthlyContribution : monthlyCompanyContribution,
annualContributionLimit : combinedContributionLimit,
contributionsSoFarThisYear : contribution.yearToDateAll
contribution = contribution.nextMonth(
combinedAmount: combinedPersAmount,
rothPercentage: rothPercentage,
rothPercentageCompany: rothPercentage,
combinedAmountCompany: combinedAllAmount
return monthlyContributions
var monthlyPay : Decimal = 12758.0
var personal401kLimit : Decimal = 22500.0
var personal401kPercentage: Decimal = 100.0
var companyContributionPercentage: Decimal = 16.0
var roth401kPercentage : Decimal = 10.0
var combinedContributionLimit : Decimal = 66000.0
let monthlyContributions = computeMonthlyContributions(
monthlyPay : monthlyPay,
contributionPercentage: personal401kPercentage,
companyContributionPercentage : companyContributionPercentage,
rothPercentage : roth401kPercentage,
contributionLimit : personal401kLimit,
combinedContributionLimit : combinedContributionLimit
for month in ContributionMonth.allCases
let curContribution = monthlyContributions[month]
print("Contribution for \(month)")
print(" Traditional : $\(curContribution.traditional)")
print(" Roth : $\(curContribution.roth)")
print(" Pers 401a : $\(curContribution.pers401a)")
// print(" Pers Year-To-Date: $\(curContribution.yearToDate)")
print(" Company Trad: $\(curContribution.traditionalCompany)")
print(" Company Roth: $\(curContribution.rothCompany)")
print(" Combined Year-To-Date: $\(curContribution.yearToDateAll)")
The output:
Contribution for January Traditional : $11482.2 Roth : $1275.8 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $14799.28 Contribution for February Traditional : $8767.8 Roth : $974.2 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $26582.56 Contribution for March Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $-12758 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $28623.84 Contribution for April Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $-22500 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $17907.12 Contribution for May Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $-2551.6 ...
I used your last version of the code as my starting point.
I think that you are trying to do too much in the nextMonth()
method. You compute the 401k contribution amount before calling it. I would suggest computing the 401a contribution the same way. So nextMonth()
can be simplified.
extension MonthlyContributions
var total: Decimal { roth + traditional }
var companyTotal: Decimal { rothCompany + traditionalCompany }
func nextMonth(
combinedAmount: Decimal,
rothPercentage: Decimal,
rothPercentageCompany: Decimal,
combinedAmountCompany: Decimal,
pers401a: Decimal) -> Self
let roth = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: rothPercentage,
of: combinedAmount
let rothCompany = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: rothPercentageCompany,
of: combinedAmountCompany
return Self(
roth: roth,
traditional: combinedAmount - roth,
rothCompany: rothCompany,
traditionalCompany: combinedAmountCompany - rothCompany,
yearToDate: combinedAmount + yearToDate,
yearToDateAll: combinedAmount + pers401a + combinedAmountCompany + yearToDateAll,
pers401a: pers401a
In computeMonthlyContributions
there are a couple of problems.
The first is that you are computing the pre-limit company contribution outside the loop from constant pre-limit employee contributions. I think you were just following the same pattern for company contributions as for employee contributions, but that's not quite right. The amount the company contributes should be computed based on the employee's actual contribution after the employee limit has been applied, and that's only available in the loop body.
Another issue is that when applying the annual limit to the 401a contribution, both personal and company contributions for the current month have to be included in the year-to-date total.
I renamed the function to limit contributions to be a little clearer - or at least I hope it's clearer:
func clampContribution(
_ current : Decimal,
whenCumulativeValue cummulative: Decimal,
exceeds limit : Decimal) -> Decimal
min(max(0, limit - cummulative), current)
Note that I swapped the order of the last two parameters compared to the previous version. That was to make it read more like an English sentence. It does exactly the same thing as the previous version, so it's just a matter of naming. If you keep the previous one, be aware that the code below uses this new version, so you'll need to appropriately swap the last two parameters where I call clampContributions
Then made the changes I described to computeMonthlyContributions
func computeMonthlyContributions(
monthlyPay : Decimal,
contributionPercentage : Decimal,
companyContributionPercentage : Decimal,
rothPercentage : Decimal,
contributionLimit : Decimal,
combinedContributionLimit : Decimal) -> [MonthlyContributions]
assert(monthlyPay >= 0)
assert(contributionLimit >= 0)
var contribution = MonthlyContributions()
var monthlyContributions: [MonthlyContributions] = []
let monthlyContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: contributionPercentage,
of: monthlyPay
for _ in ContributionMonth.allCases
let combinedPersAmount = clampContribution(
whenCumulativeValue: contribution.yearToDate,
exceeds: contributionLimit
// Include personal contribution in overall YTD 401k total so it
// will limit company contribution.
var newYearToDateAll = contribution.yearToDateAll + combinedPersAmount
// Compute company contribution based on employee's actual contribution
let monthlyCompanyContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: companyContributionPercentage,
of: combinedPersAmount // <-- CHANGED THIS
// Limit company contribution based on overall YTD 401k total,
// which includes the employee's contribution for this month.
let companyContribution = clampContribution(
whenCumulativeValue: newYearToDateAll, // <-- CHANGED THIS
exceeds: combinedContributionLimit
// Include company contribution in overall YTD 401k total so it
// will limit 401a contributions.
newYearToDateAll += companyContribution
// Compute amount of personal contribution available for 401a
let preLimit401aAmount = monthlyContribution - combinedPersAmount;
// Limit the 401a contribution based on overall YTD 401k total,
// which now includes this month's employee and company contributions.
let pers401Amount = clampContribution(
preLimit401aAmount, // <-- CHANGED THIS
whenCumulativeValue: newYearToDateAll, // <-- CHANGED THIS
exceeds: combinedContributionLimit
contribution = contribution.nextMonth(
combinedAmount: combinedPersAmount,
rothPercentage: rothPercentage,
rothPercentageCompany: rothPercentage,
combinedAmountCompany: companyContribution,
pers401a: pers401Amount
assert(contribution.yearToDate <= contributionLimit)
assert(contribution.yearToDateAll <= combinedContributionLimit)
return monthlyContributions
I also added sanity checks (assert
calls) to verify that the limits aren't exceeded after the new MonthlyContributions
instance is created.
This is the output:
Contribution for January Traditional : $11482.2 Roth : $1275.8 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $1837.15 Company Roth: $204.13 Combined Year-To-Date: $14799.28 Contribution for February Traditional : $8767.8 Roth : $974.2 Pers 401a : $3016 Company Trad: $1402.85 Company Roth: $155.87 Combined Year-To-Date: $29116 Contribution for March Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $12758 Company Trad: $0 Company Roth: $0 Combined Year-To-Date: $41874 Contribution for April Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $12758 Company Trad: $0 Company Roth: $0 Combined Year-To-Date: $54632 Contribution for May Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $11368 Company Trad: $0 Company Roth: $0 Combined Year-To-Date: $66000 Contribution for June Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $0 Company Roth: $0 Combined Year-To-Date: $66000 Contribution for July Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $0 Company Roth: $0 Combined Year-To-Date: $66000 Contribution for August Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $0 Company Roth: $0 Combined Year-To-Date: $66000 Contribution for September Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $0 Company Roth: $0 Combined Year-To-Date: $66000 Contribution for October Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $0 Company Roth: $0 Combined Year-To-Date: $66000 Contribution for November Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $0 Company Roth: $0 Combined Year-To-Date: $66000 Contribution for December Traditional : $0 Roth : $0 Pers 401a : $0 Company Trad: $0 Company Roth: $0 Combined Year-To-Date: $66000
With the code working, it might be time to think how it would be used in an actual app. There are several things that it just doesn't handle. Employees can periodically change their contribution percentages. Their pay can change, hopefully for the better!
Originally, I said that you were doing too much in nextMonth
. It seemed to be causing confusion about how to do the calculations, especially since part of the calculations were done before calling nextMonth
and part were done inside of nextMonth
. I felt it was important to keep nextMonth
simple, so all it did was split 401k contributions between Roth and traditional 401k.
But now that it's working, given that it will need to be more flexible to handle the cases I mentioned above, it would be better to have all of the contribution code in one place. That simplifies the code that calls it, as well as encodes the knowledge of how to do the computation in one place. These changes in code structure are a normal part of programming. When you're just trying to get something work in the basic case, you might need it structured one way to help you think through it, but then once you have that working, and start thinking of its broader use, you might realize you need it structured differently.
The problem with putting all that contribution code in nextMonth
is that you need to pass in all the percentages and annual limits, and long parameter lists kind of suck. One solution is to create a "parameter pack" that contains all the parameter data. It's just a struct
that you pass as one parameter, instead passing a lot of individual parameters.
struct ContributionSplitInfo
// These are static because they are shared among all employees.
static let personal401kLimit : Decimal = 22500.0
static let combined401kAnnualLimit : Decimal = 66000.0
static let companyMatchingPercentage: Decimal = 16.0
These are provided as convenience, and because if for some reason they
need to be individualized for each employee, that can be done without
affecting the code that uses it. For example, tax law could change limits,
but existing employees might be grandfathered with the old limits.
Similarly the company might change its matching rate for new hires, but
not for new hires, or might have increasing matching with years of service.
var personal401kAnnualLimit : Decimal { Self.personal401kLimit }
var combined401kAnnualLimit : Decimal { Self.combined401kAnnualLimit }
var companyMatchingPercentage: Decimal { Self.companyMatchingPercentage }
// These are stored instance properties because each employee can set them
// differently
var personal401kPercentage : Decimal
var rothPercentage : Decimal
Note that it does not include the monthly pay. We'll only be using one instance for now, but you could create one for each employee, or even have multiple ones for each employee as they make changes to their percentages throughout the year.
needs changing to use it. I've added in all of the code to compute the current month's contributions, and extracted some of the individual computations into private
methods, in hopes of making it more self-documenting. I did include one doc comment for one of the private methods, because the way I implemented it, it updates a year-to-date inout
parameter, and I wanted to be clear what is expected on entry and what it will be on return.
The following code goes in the MonthlyContributions
func nextMonth(pay: Decimal, using splitInfo: ContributionSplitInfo) -> Self
assert(splitInfo.personal401kAnnualLimit >= 0)
assert(splitInfo.combined401kAnnualLimit >= 0)
assert(pay >= 0)
let (personal401kContribution, prelimit401aContribution) =
self.personal401kContribution(fromPay: pay, using: splitInfo)
var combinedYearToDateContributions = yearToDateAll
let company401kContribution = self.company401kContribution(
fromPersonalContribution: personal401kContribution,
andCombinedYearToDateContributions: &combinedYearToDateContributions,
using: splitInfo
let personal401aContribution = clampContribution(
whenCumulativeValue: combinedYearToDateContributions,
exceeds: splitInfo.combined401kAnnualLimit
combinedYearToDateContributions += personal401aContribution
let (personalTraditional, personalRoth) = split401kContribution(
contribution: personal401kContribution,
rothPercentage: splitInfo.rothPercentage
let (companyTraditional, companyRoth) = split401kContribution(
contribution: company401kContribution,
rothPercentage: splitInfo.rothPercentage
let contributions = Self(
roth : personalRoth,
traditional : personalTraditional,
rothCompany : companyRoth,
traditionalCompany: companyTraditional,
yearToDate : yearToDate + personal401kContribution,
yearToDateAll : combinedYearToDateContributions,
pers401a : personal401aContribution
assert(contributions.yearToDate <= splitInfo.personal401kAnnualLimit)
assert(contributions.yearToDateAll <= splitInfo.combined401kAnnualLimit)
return contributions
private func split401kContribution(
contribution: Decimal,
rothPercentage: Decimal) -> (traditional: Decimal, roth: Decimal)
let roth = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: rothPercentage,
of: contribution
return (contribution - roth, roth)
private func personal401kContribution(
fromPay pay: Decimal,
using splitInfo: ContributionSplitInfo)
-> (contribution: Decimal, unused: Decimal)
let prelimitContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: splitInfo.personal401kPercentage,
of: pay
let actualContribution = clampContribution(
whenCumulativeValue: yearToDate,
exceeds: splitInfo.personal401kAnnualLimit
return (actualContribution, prelimitContribution - actualContribution)
Compute the company's matching 401k contribution for the current month.
- Parameters:
- personalContribution: The current month's actual personal 401k
contribution, that is *after* the personal annual limit has been
- yearToDate: The year-to-date sum of all employee and company 401k
- On entry: The sum should *not* include any information for the
current month.
- On return: `yearToDate` will be updated to include the current
months personal and company contributions.
- splitInfo: `ContributionSplitInfo` instance specifying the company
matching percentage and annual limits.
- Returns: The company's matching 401k contribution for the current month.
private func company401kContribution(
fromPersonalContribution personalContribution: Decimal,
andCombinedYearToDateContributions yearToDate: inout Decimal,
using splitInfo: ContributionSplitInfo) -> Decimal
yearToDate += personalContribution
let companyCombinedContribution = roundToNearestPenny(
percentage: splitInfo.companyMatchingPercentage,
of: personalContribution
let companyContribution = clampContribution(
whenCumulativeValue: yearToDate,
exceeds: splitInfo.combined401kAnnualLimit
yearToDate += companyContribution
return companyContribution
Then computeMonthlyContributions
becomes super simple, which was a large part of the reason for this refactoring in the first place. Now whatever code that is dealing with months or some data structure for holding the MonthlyContributions
instances doesn't need to know anything at all about the details of computing the contributions.
func computeMonthlyContributions(
monthlyPay : Decimal,
using splitInfo: ContributionSplitInfo) -> [MonthlyContributions]
var contribution = MonthlyContributions()
var monthlyContributions: [MonthlyContributions] = []
for _ in ContributionMonth.allCases
contribution = contribution.nextMonth(pay: monthlyPay, using: splitInfo)
return monthlyContributions
All the globals you had defining the percentages and limits are changed to this, along with the code to call computeMonthlyContributions
var monthlyPay: Decimal = 12758.0
let splitInfo =
ContributionSplitInfo(personal401kPercentage: 100.0, rothPercentage: 16.0)
let monthlyContributions =
computeMonthlyContributions(monthlyPay: monthlyPay, using: splitInfo)
The print loop code remains unchanged.
Now if you want, you can experiment with changing the pay in the loop, or with changing the percentages from month to month in a way that can happen in the real world.