Sorry for my english, but I have the next problem. I am writing a window manager using Qt 4.7 and Xlib. I have class Manager that inherits QApplication and reimplemented method X11EventFilter in it. In X11EventFilter method I catch necessary events from XServer. When I receive MapRequest event, I catch appearing of new window and reparent it to my own widget. And when I create that widget and call QWidget::show() or QWidget::winId() methods, program crashes. What is the problem?
Here is a method where widget is creating. I wonder, when this function calls few times on start of program, everything is OK.
void Manager::createClientWindow(Qt::HANDLE pWinID)
QMWindowWidget *lWindowWidget = new QMWindowWidget(pWinID);
/*some code*/
lWindowWidget->show();//crash is here
Qt::HANDLE widgetId = lWindowWidget->winId();//and here
/*some code*/
Here is a x11EventFilter method where createClientWindow function is called
bool Manager::x11EventFilter(XEvent *pEvent)
/*some code*/
case MapRequest:
Qt::HANDLE lWindow = pEvent->xmaprequest.window;
QMWindowWidget* lWidget = findWidget(lWindow);
if (!lWidget)
lWidget = dynamic_cast<QMWindowWidget*>(QWidget::find(lWindow));
if (lWidget)
XMapWindow(QX11Info::display(), lWindow);
XRaiseWindow(QX11Info::display(), lWidget->winId());
return true;
createClientWindow(lWindow);//here is where function is called
return true;
/*some code*/
} //switch
return false;
Problem is resolved! I paste this two strings before QApplication::exec()
XClearWindow(QX11Info::display(), QX11Info::appRootWindow());
XSync(QX11Info::display(), false);