For my example, I have 2 columns A,B in Google Sheet Column A with list of Stocks symbols like AAPL, IBM, etc.... Column B with simple formula of GOOGLEFINANCE(A2,"price") Sometimes GOOGLEFINANCE returns error and the cells display #N/A. But this is not my issue...
I would like using filter in column B which show all symbols with prices greater than 100 or #N/A I prefer not using extra column to achieve that
I'm struggling with it and still didn't find the way to get my result
Just note, my issue isn't GOOGLEFINANCE, It's like example to get the #N/A value
My tought was using filter with formula like: =OR(ISNA(B:B), B:B>100) But it seems it's ignore the #N/A and doesn't show it
In my question I tried the formula "=OR(ISNA(B:B), B:B>100)" But I must know that if Google Sheets "see" cells with N/A on this column - The result is automatically N/A, even if I put the ISNA in the first condition
So to solve it I used a formula like this: =IF(ISERROR(B:B), TRUE, B:B>100)
I updated the sheet if someone wants to check it