i'm trying to fetch a list of sub categories based on category id, for example:
My backend works fine, I pass the category_id
to the function and it returns me a list of sub categories having the category_id
Since i'm new to getx, I tried passing the category_id
as a route parameter but i'm not able to show the list of sub categories. In fact I didn't get how to pass the category_id
while in the UI.
Here is my repo:
Future<Response> getSubCategoriesListByCategory(int categ_id) async {
return await apiClient.getData('shop/category/$categ_id');
Here is my controller:
List<dynamic> _subCategoriesListByCategory = [];
List<dynamic> get subCategoriesListByCategory => _subCategoriesListByCategory;
bool _isLoaded = false;
bool get isLoaded => _isLoaded;
Future<void> getSubCategoriesByCategoryId(int cat_id) async {
Response response =
await subCategoriesRepo.getSubCategoriesListByCategory(cat_id);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
_subCategoriesListByCategory = [];
_isLoaded = true;
update(); // = setState();
} else {}
Here is my RouteHelper:
name: subCategory,
page: () {
var catId = Get.parameters['catId'];
return SubCategoriesPage(catId: int.parse(catId!));
transition: Transition.fadeIn),
And here is my UI:
GetBuilder<SubCategoriesController>(builder: (subCategories) {
return GridView.count(
crossAxisCount: 2,
shrinkWrap: true,
physics: ScrollPhysics(),
mainAxisSpacing: 16,
crossAxisSpacing: 16,
childAspectRatio: 90 / 100,
padding: EdgeInsets.all(16),
children: List.generate(
subCategories.subCategoriesListByCategory.length, (index) {
return _buildSingleSubCategory(
Code from home page where i'm passing the category_id:
onTap: () {
GOING TO ROUTE /sub-category?catId=3
Noting that i'm priting the specific category_id correctly in the sub categories page, I couldn't fetch the specific data related to them. Any suggestion on how to solve this?
Solved it by adding: Get.find<SubCategoriesController().getSubCategories(widget.catId);
inside the GetBuilder()